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Post a brief explanation of your topic. Include your research question and a broad research hypothesis -- that is, the relationship of IV to DV. (For example, educational attainment affects family inc
- Post a brief explanation of your topic. Include your research question and a broad research hypothesis -- that is, the relationship of IV to DV. (For example, educational attainment affects family income in US adults.)
- Run a crosstab on your variables. Be sure to explain your findings, including a description of the table, a calculation of the epsilons, and a discussion of the 10% rule.
- Run the correct measure of association for your variables (Choose one - either Pearson R, Gamma, Phi, Cramer's V or Lambda). Explain what the output means in terms of strength and direction of the relationship. Interpret Proportional Reduction of Error (PRE) using the following statement: Knowing the IV will reduce error in predicting the DV by *%.
I have created the crosstab but its difficult to explain.
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*** *** **** to ******** *** ********************************************************************************************************************************************** ************ ******* *** ************ Family **** *** ***** in ***** ForcesStudent NameInstitutionInstructors ******* DateThe Relationship ******* *** Interference Family Life *** Years in ***** ForcesResearch Question: *** does *** interference ****** ** ****** life *** ***** ** *** ***** forces? ******** *********** *** ****** ** interference **** ********** *** ****** depending on *** ****** of military ******* and *** it ******* ****** **** ** ******* ********** that ***** who have **** ** the military *** ****** ***** ********** ****** ****** ** ************ ************ ***** **** then ********** ****** their ****** ****** *************** ******** examined *** *** interference family **** *** **** spent ** *** ******** ****** The ******* **** were examined **** **** often job interferes" ***** ***** ** ******* *********** ******** ** ******* *** ******* ***** which ***** ** ****** ***** than * years" ** to 4 ****** ** "More than * ****** *** crosstab table ********** *** frequency ****** *** *********** *** **** *********** ** ********** ** ****** ** ** ******* *** ************ ******* *** interference ****** life *** ***** in *** ***** ****** The column labeled ******* ******** each combination's ***** ****** ** ***** Cramer's * *** the association ******* ** ****** ** ******** *** ****** of relationship ******* ***** ********* *** intensity and ********* ** *** **** are measured ** ******** * ** has * ***** ** ** * **** ****** closer ** ******** a **** *********** and ***** closer to 1 ******** * strong relationshipThe ***** ** *********** because ******** data *** *** *************** ***** was ***** *** ******** *********** ** ** had ****** **** we ***** interpret the ****** ********* the relationship ******* *** interference ****** **** and years ** *** ***** ****** ******* ** al 2019) *** ********** ******** V ***** ***** ******** the strength ** the *********** between ***** ********* ** ********* whether *** *********** is statistically significant the ************* ******* ***** **** ** considered *** observed correlation is ******** to **** ******** by ****** ********* ** a ************* *********** ************ *********** *** ******** ** *** *************** ***** should ******* *********** epsilon values ******** measure *** ******** ** association *** each ******** ** *** table ******* ***** *** ********* in **** case *** categorical ******* ****** *** *** ************ addition to *** ******* ** association the ************ ********* ** ***** (PRE) ***** **** ** ********** *** ** * measure that indicates the ********* ** prediction ***** **** *********** the independent ******** **** ** ********** *** ********** ** ***** ********* in ********** *** ********* ******** **** when the IV ** ***** *** instance ** *** *** is 20% ******* *** ** ******* *** ********** ***** in *** DV ** 20% ** *** ***** *** *** ***** would ** ********** using *** appropriate ******* ** *********** (Cramer's ** ** quantify *** ****** to ***** knowing *** ***** ** *** ***** forces reduces *** ***** ** ********** *** level of *** ************ *** *** impact ** ****** ****** ******* * ******** ******** ****** ****** **** *** *** ********* ** *** *************** ***** ** ********* **** real data ** ***** ********* precise ******** ** *********** evaluate ***** ************ *** interpret *** ******** *** ********* ** the ************ ******* job ************ ****** life *** years ** *** ***** ****** Therefore *** ******** ******** ******** *** ************ between *** interference ****** **** *** ***** in *** ***** ****** (Zhang et ** ***** *** ******** ********** suggests that *********** **** **** ***** ** ******* in *** armed forces *** ********** ****** levels ** job ************ ***** ***** ********** ****** ***** ****** life ********** * *************** ******** using actual **** would ***** *** * ******** *********** ** *** ************ including *********** measures ** *********** **** ** ******** * *** ************ the ************ ********* of ***** ***** However ******* ******** **** * ************* analysis cannot ** ******************* ****** W * **** * * Fafara R J & Curry S E (2019) Civilian ********** ***** ***** ** ** **** Soldiers: ******* **** *** **** Survey of **** FamiliesPsychology *** ********** Science ************* ************ 1-10Zhang S ******* * Moreno * T ***** * ***** *** * ****** * ********* conflict *********** on ********************** ******** **** ** Policy and *********** *****