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Prepare a PPP lesson plan, based on the PAST CONTINUOUS INTERRUPTED, with the information below. IMPORTANT NOTE: this is the first time the students have seen the past continuous. You are not required

Prepare a PPP lesson plan, based on the PAST CONTINUOUS INTERRUPTED, with the information below. IMPORTANT NOTE: this is the first time the students have seen the past continuous.

You are not required to submit the actual materials, but do include a brief description of them.

Use the table below to complete your lesson plan. We've completed the pre-planning table for you which explains the target language you have to use (past continuous), the level, the length of the lesson and so on.

NOTE: there is no need to provide reasons like in the example plan.

Use this information to write your lesson plan. Here are a few check points for you to remember:

  • Put the student/teacher interaction and timing at the end of each stage: e.g. S-S. (student to student), S-T (student to teacher)  P/W (pair work) & G/W (group work).
  • In the lead in; do not use the new TL.
  • In the presentation stage; teach meaning, pronunciation and form (you must write the actual form so your tutor can see it). Note; you have to find a way for students to discover meaning, don’t simply tell them it. 
  • Don’t forget to actually write three concept questions at the end of the presentation stage. These are not to teach meaning, but to check understanding after they have learned meaning, pronunciation and form. Remember, when asking concept questions, we do not use the same structure we are testing.

Maximum 600 words

Level: Pre intermediate

Aim: Students to understand when and how to use this tense to describe two past events, one interrupting the other. 

Target Language: Past Continuous for two past events, one interrupting the other i.e.I was having a shower when the phone rang. 

Assumptions: Students do not know past continuous but familiar with past simple.

Time: 60 min

Lesson Structure:

Lead in: Include activities and Student & Teacher interaction & Timing

Presentation (meaning, pronunciation & form): Include activities and Student & Teacher interaction & Timing

Practice (controlled): Include activities and Student & Teacher interaction & Timing

Production (free): Include activities and Student & Teacher interaction & Timing. (You need to provide a "real-life" situation which encourages students to use the TL in a natural way: i.e. role play, etc.I f the teacher sets up a good role play, the students should be able to use questions, statements, and all 3 pronoun structures (subject, object and possessive) in a spontaneous conversation. That's the most optimal experience for increasing their fluency.A natural conversation doesn't mean a real-life "normal" scenario has to be used, but a real-life "style" of conversation, ie how we converse in real life. They need to interact, show interest, perhaps give opinions, perhaps even interrupt, etc. which is what we would do in a real-life conversation.

Homework: Give details.

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