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Process Recording with Descriptive Exemplar (12%) The purpose of these papers is to demonstrate a capability to observe, record, and analyze...

Process Recording with Descriptive Exemplar


The purpose of these papers is to demonstrate a capability to observe, record, and analyze interactions that occur in professional activities. Describe in detail, a clinical situation you have participated in or observed. This situation should illustrate one of the concepts explored in the course.

Situation: Present a detailed description of the situation, including the persons involved and their roles, the setting, verbal and non-verbal communication/exchanges. Why did you choose this interaction as your exemplar?

Relation to Course Topic: Discuss and illustrate the concept or concepts reflected in the interaction with direct quotes and examples of specific behaviors of persons involved in the interaction, including yours.

Analysis and Summary:

You should be insightful and creative but include at least TWO references from class readings and ONE additional scholarly reading

to support conclusions in the analysis and summary.

Include a PDF copy of the out-of-class reference with the paper or a working link. Check the link before submitting paper.

Analyze what occurred. Utilize the references to support your analysis or raise questions. The analysis and summary should include your cognitive and affective evaluation.

What are the implications for the people involved? What are your professional Recommendations?

What have you learned that will inform your professional and personal interactions?

Each paper must be in APA format and five to ten pages in length.

*Examples of concepts:

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