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ENC1143 Writing an autoethnography

I already write my autoethnography (it's attached to this question), I'm just looking for a Tutor who could look at it and  polish it a bit making sure that my project is follow the guidelines for a proper autoehnography. Like: 

*Essay contains an analytic statement that is clear and that elaborates on two or more implications, student incorporates and analyzes a range of evidence that is significant, sufficient, and appropriate for the rhetorical situation; student also incorporates and analyzes some evidence that seems to contradict the overall purpose, claim, argument or rhetorical situation and components

*Almost all ideas are logically developed and directly linked to an analytical thesis that identifies non-obvious (surprising, counter-intuitive) complexities of meaning and implications.

*Writing contains 0 errors and entails masterful syntax, diction, and tone.

*Sentences are clear, varied, complex language, employed for effect. Diction is precise and appropriate to the rhetorical situation. 

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