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Prompts for this post: In what ways did you incorporate some of the safety considerations into your workout? In what ways did you incorporate the Specificity principle? Explain. Did you do any cardiov

Prompts for this post:

In what ways did you incorporate some of the safety considerations into your workout?

In what ways did you incorporate the Specificity principle? Explain.

Did you do any cardiovascular workouts? If yes, describe the workout. If no, explain why not?

Reminder, each entry should include:

  • Current Stress Level
  • What and when you ate prior to the workout
  • Your overall impression of how the workout went
  • The Exercise names
  • The sets, reps, and weights lifted
  • Response to all 3 prompt questions above

Rubric: Each prompt answer is worth 5 points (3 prompts = 15 total points possible) Other Training Journal entries = 10 points possible = 25 possible points

Example:Prompt: Explain how eliminating unhealthy foods affect your workouts?

Answer: I felt better = 1 point

Answer: I have a serious sugar addiction! A typical day for me includes a coffee with syrup in the morning, and several sodas throughout the day. It’s also not uncommon for me to have a candy bar during the day. The first day I eliminated sugar was tough, I really missed that form of “energy.” After a few days without sugar my energy levels actually went up! My workouts are more enjoyable with the new sustained energy. I also think my recovery is better because my sleep is so much better. = 5 points

Picture or digital submission of training journal:

Example: 10 points

Stress Level: 5Pre workout meal: none (morning workout, and I had not eaten since dinner the night before)Overall Impression: I felt strong, but was really hoping for 6 reps on my last set of DL (deadlift). That would have been a personal record for me, so this really is a good overall workout.

Warm up: 5 min rowing, body weight squats, body weight lunges, waiters bow, IYTsDeadlift: 6 reps 185#; 6 reps 205#; 4 reps 215#Pullups: 4 sets, 3 repsBicep Curls: Drop Set/Burnout 25# to failure, 20# to failure, 15# to failureRear Delt Raise: 3x8, 10#Cool Down stretch: Static Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Figure 4, Foam RollPrompt 1: …Prompt 2: …Prompt 3: …

Example: 1 point

Workout Log:Deadlift 215, Bicep curls 30, pullups 15Felt good.Drank protein shake.

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