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Provide a 4 pages analysis while answering the following question: The deaths in Titus Andronicus. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is requ

Provide a 4 pages analysis while answering the following question: The deaths in Titus Andronicus. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. It tries to illustrate the irrationality behind the timeless fact that violence leads to violence. The absurdity is frequent because it has an ability to be concurrently wit and disaster, which ends up eroding the cultural awareness. To some extent as elaborated by the play, it becomes a challenge to think within the human limit. From the set up and the plot development of William Shakespear’s play, it is clearly evident how hatred dominates the play with cold blood killings and cases of rape. The play does not display any form of love but instead it elaborates all the weakness of humanity from act one to the last act. The play begins with hatred and ends with hatred. The play begins with all abominations being displayed within the first act of the play. Shakespear shows in the initial stage of the play Tamora’s eldest son, Katy Stephens, being sacrificed, then his blood is soiled on the family of the Andronicus’ faces. Andronicas says “I give him you, the noblest that survives, the eldest son of this distressed queen” (Shakespear 26). The play begins with the killings of Tamora’s eldest son which is an expression of no love to humanity. This makes the play more of a hatred centred play with little or no form of love in the play. She cries to Titus in her words, “A mother's tears in passion for her son.” We experience Tamora’s hatred towards Titus, the Roman general who comes back from a decade of war remaining with only four sons remaining alive and twenty one being killed. Tamora, the Queen of the Goth, with her three sons, are confined by Titus Andronicus. What makes Tamora hate Andronicus the most, is when he sacrificed her eldest son to his own befallen sons in the name of obeying the Romans rituals (Shakespear 26). This killing of Tamora’s son makes her feel great pain for his demise and hence in return she declares her everlasting hatred for Andronicus. The new emperor, Saturnious, makes Tamora the empress. Tamora together with her lover plan how to revenge for her sons demise caused by Andronicus. This aspect of revenge as brought out by the play is a sign of minimal love in the play. No form of love is displayed in the play. instead hatred and revenge are evident as shown by Tamora. Aaron and Tamara plot to set up Andronicus two sons for the killings of the emperor’s brother called Bassianus. As the play proceeds, more killings are seen to simplify the loss of societal values such love in the play. Out of hatred, Tamora and her lover Aaron set up the sons of Titus for the murder of the emperor’s brother, Bassianus (Shakespear 26). Out of this act of hatred, the two sons of Bassianus are beheaded. Killings and innocent blood beheadings are a common theme of the play that in a way shows the intention of Shakespear to display only violence as seen in the play. The unending hatred of Tamora for Titus, makes her go further and order her children to Demetrius and Chiron to rape Lavinia, the daughter of Titus. They also chopped off her tongue to make sure that she cannot to disclose them, and they cut off her arms too for her not to be able to point at who did it the inhuman acts to her. Tamoras is so diligent in demonstrating her hatred towards Titus. Her animosity to Andronicus is not enough till she makes sure that, Lucius, the remaining son of Titus is exiled from Rome. This signifies the extreme hatred in the play as Shakespear develops the plot of the play.

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