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QNT/275 Final

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1An error that occurs because of chance is called:

mean error

probability error

sampling error

nonsampling error

2For a goodness-of-fit test, the frequencies obtained from the performance of an experiment are the:


expected frequencies


objective frequencies


observed frequencies


subjective frequencies

3In a hypothesis test, a Type I error occurs when:


a true null hypothesis is rejected


a true null hypothesis is not rejected


a false null hypothesis is rejected


a false null hypothesis is not rejected

4Which of the following assumptions is not required to use ANOVA?

The populations from which the samples are drawn have the same variance.

The samples drawn from different populations are random and independent.

All samples are of the same size.

The populations from which the samples are drawn are (approximately) normally distributed.

5A researcher wants to test if elementary school children spend less than 30 minutes per day on homework. The alternative hypothesis for this example will be that the population mean is:

not equal to 30 minutes

less than or equal to 30 minutes

less than 30 minutes

equal to 30 minutes

6The model y = A + Bx is a:

nonlinear model

deterministic model

probabilistic model

stochastic model

7A sample of 16 from a population produced a mean of 86.9 and a standard deviation of 14.3. A sample of 18 from another population produced a mean of 75.4 and a standard deviation of 15.9. Assume that the two populations are normally distributed and the standard deviations of the two populations are equal. The null hypothesis is that the two population means are equal, while the alternative hypothesis is that the mean of the first population is greater than the man of the second population. The significance level is 1%.

What is the critical value of t for the hypothesis test?





8Two events are independent if the occurrence of one event:

means that the second event cannot occur.

does not affect the probability of the occurrence of the other event.

affects the probability of the occurrence of the other event.

means that the second event is certain to occur.

9You toss a coin nine times and observe 3 heads and 6 tails. This event is a:

simple event

multinomial sample point

multiple outcome

compound event

10The p-value is the:

smallest significance level at which the null hypothesis can be rejected

largest significance level at which the alternative hypothesis can be rejected

smallest significance level at which the null hypothesis cannot be rejected

largest significance level at which the null hypothesis can be rejected

11 A researcher wants to test if the mean annual salary of all lawyers in a city is different than $110,000. The null hypothesis for this example will be that the population mean is:

not equal to $110,000

greater than to $110,000

less than to $110,000

equal to $110,000

12 To make tests of hypotheses about more than two population means, we use the:

analysis of variance distribution

chi-square distribution

t distribution

normal distribution

13 In a game of four-handed Hearts, all 52 cards of a standard deck are dealt, so that each player starts each round with 13 cards in a hand. Suppose player A's hand has three clubs, six diamonds, two hearts, and two spades. What is the relative frequency of spades, rounded to two decimal places, dealt to player A?





14 In a one-way ANOVA, we analyze only one:





15  The regression model y = A + Bx + e is:

an exact relationship

a nonlinear model

a deterministic model

a probabilistic model

16 In a hypothesis test, a Type II error occurs when:

a false null hypothesis is not rejected

a false null hypothesis is rejected

a true null hypothesis is rejected

a true null hypothesis is not rejected

17  A qualitative variable is the only type of variable that:

can assume an uncountable set of values

cannot be graphed

can assume numerical values

cannot be measured numerically

18  A continuous random variable x has a right-skewed distribution with a mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 12. The sampling distribution of the sample mean for a sample of 50 elements taken from this population is:

not normal

approximately normal

skewed to the right

skewed to the left

19  For a one-tailed test, the p-value is:

twice the area under the curve between the mean and the observed value of the sample statistic

twice the area under the curve to the same side of the value of the sample statistic as is specified in the alternative hypothesis

the area under the curve between the mean and the observed value of the sample statistic

the area under the curve to the same side of the value of the sample statistic as is specified in the alternative hypothesis

20  A quantitative variable is the only type of variable that can:

be graphed

have no intermediate values

assume numeric values for which arithmetic operations make sense

be used to prepare tables

21  If you divide the number of elements in a sample with a specific characteristic by the total number of elements in the sample, the dividend is the:

sample proportion

sampling distribution

sample mean

sample distribution

22  We can use the analysis of variance procedure to test hypotheses about:

two or more population means

the proportion of one population

two or more population proportions

the mean of one population

23  Which of the following pairs of events are mutually exclusive?

Female and no

Female and male

Male and yes

Female and yes

24  The mean of a discrete random variable is the mean of its:

probability distribution

frequency distribution

percentage distribution

second and third quartiles

25  In a survey regarding job satisfaction, 574 in a sample of 934 female job-holders stated that they are satisfied with their jobs, while 500 in a sample of 755 male job-holders stated that they are satisfied with their jobs. The null hypothesis is that the proportions of all female and male job-holders who are satisfied with their jobs are the same. The alternative hypothesis is that the proportion of female job-holders who are satisfied with their jobs is lower than the proportion of male job-holders stated who are satisfied with their jobs. The significance level is 2.5%.

What is the critical value of z for the hypothesis test?





26  For small degrees of freedom, the chi-square distribution is:

skewed to the right


skewed to the left


27 The mean of a discrete random variable is its:

second quartile

upper hinge

expected value

box-and-whisker measure

28  A linear regression:

gives a relationship between two variables that can be described by a line

gives a relationship between two variables that cannot be described by a line

contains only two variables

gives a relationship between three variables that can be described by a line

29  Two paired or matched samples would imply that:

two data values are collected from the same source (elements) for two independent samples

data are collected on two variables from the elements of two independent samples

data are collected on one variable from the elements of two independent samples

two data values are collected from the same source (elements) for two dependent samples

30  The alternative hypothesis is a claim about a:

parameter, where the claim is assumed to be true until it is declared false

parameter, where the claim is assumed to be true if the null hypothesis is declared false

statistic, where the claim is assumed to be true if the null hypothesis is declared false

statistic, where the claim is assumed to be false until it is declared true

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