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Question 1 : The purpose of this project is to allow you to become familiar with typical client files at the agencies and organizations in this field. It is necessary to understand the purpose of the

Question 1 :

The purpose of this project is to allow you to become familiar with typical client files at the agencies and organizations in this field. It is necessary to understand the purpose of the documentation in files and to also to understand the relevancy of the documentation.

Consider that you work in ABC Mental Health and Addiction Services, I (your co-worker) come to work on a Monday morning, to find that you have been called away on a family emergency and are leaving the country.

I – (your co-worker) have been assigned one of your clients to continue to work with. The client and you have been working together for almost six months, and have done a lot of work together.  If you have kept accurate and complete files, I (your co-worker) should be able to read the file and continue to work with your client with little interruption in service.

What do you think needs to be in this file?

For this project, you are to build a case file based on one of the profiles provided to you. Please go to the profile pdf to choose your profile.

There are a variety of documents that are available for your use. You may also find documents from the internet if you so choose. If you choose to use documents from the internet be sure that they are documents from credible sources.

When you are thinking about what you will need in your file, think about what documents would have been completed by you and your client from the first day you met up until the current date.

Now build this case file!

TIPS to remember:

  1. Make sure things are in logical order
  2. Make sure documents are in separate sections IE. Mental health assessments would not be in the middle of the progress reports
  3. Do not add pictures or drawings, etc. This is to imitate at real case file.

Make sure your file is complete and addresses.


1. Devon is 15 years old. His mother and father are not together due to domestic violence. They split when Devon was 7 years old and Devon rarely sees or hears from his father. Devon’s mother, Soraya has been involved in drugs off and on for most of Devon’s life that he can remember. He was taken into custody the last time by Children’s Services when he was 11 years old. That was Devon’s 3rd apprehension. Devon went into foster care but when he his behaviors began to become aggressive his foster parents asked him to be moved and Devon went into a group home. Devon has been in 1 other group home and this is his 2nd group home. Although Devon likes the staff and some of the other kids in the home, he spends a lot of time away from the group home. He can usually be found in the downtown core hanging with friends. The people he hangs out with are known drug dealers and other youth who are known to be heavy into drugs. Devon has admitted to staff that he is using a number of drugs, depending on availability and recently has started using Meth. Devon likes school and goes off and on, but he usually ends up in some sort of trouble and so stops attending. Devon’s attendance lately is almost non-existent. The staff at the group home have talked with Devon many times about his drug use and are very concerned about his increased use and that he is now using Meth. The staff at the group home are not trained in addictions and are at a loss to help Devon, but due to the good relationship they have with him, they are able to convince him to go to a counselor at least one time to see what it is like.

 2. Tarran is 17 year old female who identifies as a lesbian. Tarran is living in a youth shelter and has been since she came out to her family and they kicked her out. Only Tarran’s sister, Shel is willing to be in contact with her and Tarran talks to her almost every day. Shel wants Tarran to tell their parents that she is not a lesbian so she can come home. Tarran is not willing to do this, but is devastated by her family situation. Tarran is clearly depressed, leaving the shelter every morning, wandering around, not doing much of anything besides using when she is able. For the past month as time away from her family has increased, Tarran has been increasing her drug use. She continues to smoke weed but has also begun to use any other drugs offered to her. Tarran has no means of income and has recently started offering sexual services for exchange of drugs. The shelter workers have tried to connect with Tarran’s family and they are concerned about Tarran’s drug use but they say Tarran’s sexual choices are against their belief system. Tarran returns to the shelter one evening extremely high and has bruises on her neck and face. She also has 2 small cuts under her eye. Tarran is taken to the hospital that night and returns to the shelter the next day. Shelter workers take the opportunity to convince Tarran to see a counselor. 


Title of Your Essay

Start the first paragraph here, which should introduce your reader to the subject you are writing about. Do not label this paragraph as “Introduction.” Instead, simply write your paper’s title as a level 1 heading: bold, centered, with title case. To learn more about what an introduction should include, see the following resource: Introductions & Conclusions. You can use this template to help you format your paper. For longer papers, include level headings as you will see throughout this paper to help guide the reader through your paper. Your thesis statement should go at the end of your introduction.

The Writing Process

Spend time planning your paper. A good practice is to brainstorm and research ideas and decide how to express the main idea or thesis and what to include. Once you have a rough idea of what you want to discuss or argue, create an outline or to help you organize your paper and the evidence you plan to present in each body paragraph.

Writing the Body Paragraphs

Always begin with a topic sentence in your own words. We have several resources to help you write a strong body paragraph, such as How to Write a Body Paragraph and the Integrating Research. Evidence is provided as the supporting sentences in each body paragraph. As mentioned by UAGC Writing Center (n.d.), an in-text citation must be used when providing information from a source into your paper—see next section. End each body paragraph with your own ideas or analysis on the topic of the paragraph.

Using Citations Correctly 

In addition to being well-written, each paragraph should include an in-text citation to all information and evidence that is summarized, paraphrased, or quoted from outside sources. The University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center (n.d.) provides many resources to help you follow correct citation style and gives lessons and examples of how to paraphrase and cite sources. There are two ways that you can format an in-text citation: parenthetical or narrative. A parenthetical citation saves all the information for the end of the sentence (Author, Year). However, a narrative citation includes the Author (Year) “earlier in the sentence and saves the location information for the end, keeping in mind that a page number is required for a direct quote, but not for a paraphrased sentence” (p. ##). If you do not have a page number for your type of source, you can find information on citing it in the in-text citation guide.

Level 2 Heading (Bold, Flush Left, Title Case)

 Level headings can be placed anywhere in your paper as a way to classify or organize your paper into sections. There are five levels; the first three levels are more commonly used in graduate-level assignments, whereas levels four and five may be used in longer papers (e.g., dissertation). Use level 2 headings to break level 1 into categories, level 3 to break up level 2, and so on. Do not move to a lower level of heading if there is only one section. As a general rule, check with your instructor about formatting expectations.

Level 3 Heading (Bold, Flush Left, Italic, Title Case)

Likewise, to show your readers where the paragraph begins when using a level 3 heading would be a great idea.

Level 4 Heading (Bold, Indented, Title Case). In longer papers, you may use a level 4 heading to create even further subsections. In this case, note that the paragraph begins directly after a period on the same line as the level 4 heading. The level 5 headings follow the exact same conventions, only they would also be italicized.

Using Tables, Graphs, Images, and Appendices

For some papers and reports, you may choose to add a table, graph, or image

within the body of the draft. Or you may choose to include an appendix at the end of your paper. These can help to provide a visual representation of data or other information that you wish to relay to your reader. Follow this guidance to understand when and how to use these features.


You only need to label the conclusion with a heading as shown here if you have a lengthy paper and have included headings for each section. Otherwise, you can simply begin your conclusion as your final paragraph in your paper. The conclusion should do more than summarize what you’ve stated already—it should also include the importance or significance of the topic under discussion. Learn more about writing a strong conclusion paragraph.


Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume #(issue #), pp–pp. https://doi.org/xx.xxxxxxxxxx

Author, A. (Year). Title of book. Publisher.

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of book. Publisher. http://doi.org/xxx.xxxx.xxxxxxxx

Author, A. (Year). Title of work. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of anthology. Publisher. https://non-database-URL (Original work published date)

Director, A. (Director). (Year). Title of film [Description, e.g. Motion picture]. Production Company. https://non-database-URL

**For help formatting your reference page, please see our Formatting Your References List page. Be sure that each source you’ve used has both an in-text citation and a references.


Imagine you are a front-line worker at ABC group home for youth who have substance abuse issues.

You must invent all the necessary details (including times, dates, all other relevant information) to complete this progress note.

  • Interview a resident about their progress in an anger management program.
  • They hate the program and would prefer to start one-on-one counselling.
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