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Read the following: Chapters 11 and 12 Video Resource Macat (2015). An introduction to Gordon Allport’s The Nature of Prejudice – A Macat Psychology analysis [Video]. YouTube. Marsh, A. (2016, Jun

Read the following:

  • Chapters 11 and 12

Video Resource

  • Macat (2015). An introduction to Gordon Allport’s The Nature of Prejudice – A Macat Psychology analysis [Video].  YouTube.  
  • Marsh, A. (2016, June). Why some people are more altruistic than others [Video]. TEDSummit.
  • Takayama, L. (2017, April). What it’s like to be a robot? [Video]. TEDxPaloAlto.

Part 1

Part I – Our behaviors are influenced by society because we are parts of the society in which we live.  For most of us, we are born, we grow up, and live our lives in a society.  The norms and beliefs that are prevalent in society are parts of culture.

Please educate us about the role of “independence” and “interdependence” in a Grenadian society and/or cultural psychology. 

a)     How does your society view independence and interdependence?

b)     What is the relationship of independence to interdependence (and vice versa)?

Part II - Describe an experience or encounter you have had with the stigma attached to mental disorders* or unusual behavior.  Then explain how the situation was addressed.  Please explain also how you acted within that situation and how your actions are related to social influence.  If you were not satisfied with how things happened, explain how you would address that situation in the future.

*Please note that you are not being asked to diagnose someone; only registered professionals have the credentials to do that.  Thus, if the situation you are describing involves a condition that has been diagnosed by a mental health professional then you can mention that the condition was “diagnosed”.  Otherwise, if you are relating a story about someone who behaved in an ‘unusual’ manner, then simply state that the behavior seemed abnormal.  The point of this discussion is about the stigma and not necessarily about whether a diagnosis was conducted.  An official diagnosis, or lack thereof, is important only to provide context to the condition and to any related effects.

Your Discussion should be at least 250 words in length, but not more than 750 words. Use APA citations and references for the textbook and any other sources used.

Part 2

For this Learning Journal, you will write a paper about your own experiences in Grenadian context. Using reflective writing consider the following: 

  • Society affects our behaviors and how we interact with others. How has society affected your views? What are some things that you feel pressured to conform to, and how have you approached this issue? 
  • Have you known others who conform to pressure from others or society? What did they do? How did they deal with the pressure? 
  • Discuss the importance of pro-social behavior and altruism in your society or cultural tradition. 

The Learning Journal entry should be a minimum of 400 words and not more than 750 words. Use APA citations and references if you use ideas from the readings or other sources. 

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