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Read the following:Please start with the single page reading about Epistemology available at, G. (1877). Spinoza -- A Summary Accoun
Read the following:
Please start with the single page reading about Epistemology available at
- Morris, G. (1877). Spinoza -- A Summary Account of His Life and Teaching. The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 11(3), p. 278-299. Available at
- Read “What is Truth?” Pardi, P. (2015). What is Truth? Available at
- Re-watch (yes over again, now that you’re smarter on the topic) the TED-Ed talk on Plato’s Allegory of the Cave (Book VII in The Republic) from Unit 4. Gendler, A. (2015). Plato's Allegory of the Cave. [Video File]. Ted-Ed. Available at
- Your FIRST of TWO topics this week:
Write a SINGLE-SENTENCE example of each of the four types of knowledge as they directly describe something in your life you believe to be true. Number them 1-4. For example:
“___ is true based on intuitive knowledge.” (or) “We all believe _________ to be true based on _______ knowledge.”
Be creative; you’re an adult; use challenging ideas.
- Your SECOND topic posts in the Discussion Forum this week:
After you’ve posted the first one (and ideally after you have had a couple of responses from others), cut and paste your 1-4 into a new post and defend your reasoning for each:
- For Intuitive, describe why it’s obvious to you
- For Authoritative, define why the source is an authority in your life
- For Logical, give the reasoning you went through
- For Empirical, explain the process of proving it
Discussion Guidelines
1 - 2 paragragh for each topic. Cite references in apa format.
Part 2
Write a 3-page paper on your truth and contrast it against a philosopher we have studied so far this term.
Remember, your personal philosophy is right for you, you do not have to agree with scholars, the professor, or anyone in the class. Please respect yourself enough, as a learner, to state your case, and others enough to allow others to state theirs. Use any previously covered philosopher from Unit 1-6. choose one who's beliefs about 'truth' contrast with your own.
- has some good tips on writing a Contrast Essay.
- Your classmates, the University Writing Center, and your Professor are all good resources as well.
- This is a challenging assignment, which is why the reading this Unit was shortened
- You will need to use your college-level research and resource-finding skills to complete this assignment. Practice makes perfect
- Review the assessment guidelines before beginning your paper
Assignment Guidelines
Write a fully APA-compliant 3- page paper for this Unit
- You should include a reference page, with APA citations, at the end of your paper. This page is not part of the 3-pages of written work
- Standard margins, 12-point font, New Times Roman or similar
- Do not write less, do not write more
- Be sure to read the assessment criteria before you begin writing
For more information on APA formatting:
Assessment Guidelines
- Does the paper clearly identify the chosen Philosopher and give a brief explanation of his or her theory of truth?
- Does the paper list similarities and differences between the Philosopher and writer?
- Does the writer give at least two examples of the argument against the Philosopher from the writer’s point of view?
- Presentation of reasonable argument for why the writer is the more valid one of the two (from the writer's viewpoint).
- APA and overall look and feel of the paper is college-level work
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******************* and ************* ** ************************************ Part ** ** ** difficult to ******* *** ********** of * ********** ***** without *** ***** ********* ** *** *********** ******* ********** * ************* novel ***** a ************* approach *** ********* ******** ** it *** *********** systems ******** ** ** –Explicit ********** *** philosophical novel ******** *********** ******* ** philosophy ******* *** ************** of *** ********* is limited ** ************ ****** ******* *** ********* cannot ********* *** ***** knowledge4 ******* **** ** ******** ******* *** knowledge or ************** ** ************* knowledgeDiscussionIntuitive knowledge relates ** *** ********* instances **** occur in life *** *********** ** **** ********** makes ** ****** ** predict *** next ******** ** * ********* ******* ************* ********* ***** a *********** ** a ********** ******** *** step made **** ********* **** **** ** ************ *** * clear ***** of ******** ** ** ******** ** *** ******* ********* that is ********* on **** experiences *** ********* ** *** ********* must ** ******** ** affirm *** truth ********** the ********* Empirical ********* ** ************* ** * way **** ***** ****** ** **** logic to ascertain the ********* ** *** ****** ********** ***** In **** cases ************* ********* ** ***** a ********** ****** ** **** ****** be *************** ****************** ** ******* ** **** **** *** *********** ** a ********* of the ****** ********** ** the ***** best ******** ***** ************ ******* ** *** ************ ** the *********** **** ** **** ******* ******** ***** ******* * ********* ***** is ****** ** *** belief ************ as **** ** ************* It ** ******* **** a ****** ** **** **** there ** *********** The concepts of ***** ****** **** relate to *** real ***** While ****** ** ****** ***** ** ** ******** **** ************* considers **** *** ********** agreement and *** ********* ********* ** matters ** ***** Different scholars **** **** efforts ** ******** ***** ***** ** **** lead to *** ********** of ***** ****** 2015) *** ******* of this ***** will ********* my ********** ** ***** *** **** ******** to other ****** ******* of *************** and ***************** ** my ************* I believe **** ***** ** *********** ** ********** *** ** **** factors * believe that *** challenges **** ** encounter when ********** ***** *** ***** ** *** ******* ******* *** *********** ** ***** can be ****** ** the ********* ******* **** ** see in *** ******* **** * *** *** to ** *** ***** *** sound ****** ** *** ***** ***** *** ******** I *** **** a ***** as ***** *** ****** *** ***** * make *** of the *********** ** **** *** ***** is unripe From *** view ** ***** **** ** ** true ******* ******* ****** ***** ***** **** *** ***** ** **** ** **** ** **** *** *** ***** ** *** mango *** ********** ** *** happening ** the ******* *** the ******* ********* have * contribution ** outlining *** ********* ** ***** *** **** ** ****** ******* *** ***** ** the mango *** * **** ** our epistemology as it gives *** *********** ** ascertaining **** is **** *** ****** Our view ** truth ** ****** ** the ************ we make of what ** true *** ****** We **** ** **** in *** ******** *** ** ****** ***** ****** *** ** *** ***** *********** ** ****** * ******** ****** 2015) ****** * proof leads to simplicity ** ******** ******* ******* **** *** correspondence ****** ***** ** ******** ** *** truth This is ******** to *** ********* theory **** was **** ** Immanuel **** ** *********** *** ********** *** ***** on ***** Kant ** remembered for the ******** he made while ********* *** ******** ****** The characters ** * *********** whole that have a ********* ********* ** ****** ********* **** describe ***** *** ****** **** **** ** ***** ****** *********** ** ******** as ***** ** the ****** *** ******** that ** **** to any ******* ****** embrace virtue *** **** ****** ******** *** systems ** judgment ****** embrace truth ** * ******* ****** ********** ** ***** ** expected ****** 2015) *** ************** ****** ****** recast *** ********* theory in *** modern ***** *** ******** ******* should ****** * ****** ***** ***** to ***** *** coherence ****** in **** **** employs motivational ********** (Ingram ***** *************** ********** *** believed to **** a certain ****** ** ********* ********* theorists **** **** ****** **** justification of ********* ************* is part ** *** ********* ****** *** properties of belief ******* **** justify *** ********** to *** belief ** ******* individual ** ***** ** ********** **** *** ********* theory ** ***** ********** *** true ***** ** ** ******** Nature should *** ** ********** ** ******** **** ******** *************** ***** question ************ slurs ***** ***** *** coherence theory best ******** ******** Idealists believe that ***** justifiable ********* *** ******** ******* Idealist ***** ****** *********** ******* *** natural ***** *** *** ******* ** ****** ********** 2018) ** ***** ** ********* **** *** ******* ** ****** *** varying between *** ************** ****** and the ******** ********** ******** ************* ******* *** ***** He ************** ******* the objects ** ******* and **** of ********** reality — *** ******* **** ** **** ***** *** ********* of ****** that ***** ******* *** ** ******** **** *** **** He links ** *** ************** ****** that ********** *** ***** as * place for the ******* objects which ** **** ** **** ** ****** ******* our ****** The ********** that we *** **** *** world ** ideal ** ******** ** *** ****** **** *** world ** ************ **** but ** **************** ***** *** ********** experience that ** get from *** ***** can ****** ** ****** ** ******** *** **** ** differentiating ******* ***** and ***** ****** *** ********** **** ** **** in identifying the **** ********* Truthfulness ** ******* through *** ********** ** **** in *********** the objects **** ***** ** *** ***** (Ingram 2018) ** ******* ******* **** **** the correspondence *** the ******** theories try to ********* *** ****** of truth ******* *** ********** **** ****************** *********** **** ** *** influence ** determining *** ***** *** ************** ****** *** ***** ** ************* which *** ****** racial ********** ******** ** the ******** ****** * ***** compares ** other ***** of ******* Despite the *********** **** we **** to think as **** as the ********** ************ ********* ** determining the ***** It ******* * ********* in *********** **** ** ***** *** true Part ***** *** week's journal *** **** *********** ****** was linked ** *** perceptions we relate ** truth and *** forms ** epistemology **** *** ******* * *** **** ** *********** *** different ***** ** ************ * **** **** truth ******* * *********** **** ********** it What is **** *** not ********** to ******* ******** ********* I *** able ** understand that ***** is ****** *** comprehensive ** ******* ****** ********** can ****** the ***** negatively ** *** person *** ****** his **** ** ******** ***** *** ******* the ******** ************ ******* *** ****** **** are ********** **** *** ***** ***** **** * different ************* which can in **** ****** * lack ** ****** **************** *** ********** perspective ****** not stand as *** truth ****** ********* ********* ideals *** arguments ***** ** * broader ************* ** *** ***** ** remains a ********* when ****** * ******** Both *** ************** *** *** ******** ******** try ** ***** *** scope ** argument ** when ******** *** ***** From *** ******* of Apple * *** able to ***** **** *** ***** varies ***** individuals However *** ***** analysis ****** the scope ** argument leading ** * ********* where ** ******* hard ** ******** ** ********* is real ********* ******** argue **** something is **** ** there ** * belief ** ******* postmodernism *** ** ********** I *** not **** **** ****** ********** as **** ** subjectivism could ********* *** ***** My ******** ************* *** **** ************* *** *** affect **** ***** *** ********* *** ********* **** about truth and experience have **** ** ********** **** a ***** that ** ****** to ** **** *** ** ******** in **** **** ******* *** **** ** ******* to ******** what ** ***** ** ** **** ** ********* **** ***** are factors **** influence the type ** information ********** ** be ******************** * ****** ********** ************ *** ***** Pacific ************* Quarterly 99(3) ************ P ****** ********** **** * **** is ****** ********* from *********************************************************************** D (2018) **** ** **** ***** ****** ********** ***************