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Read these two stories here are the links M

Read these two stories  here are the links

Mid-Term Exam

Responses should reflect critical thinking, so avoid merely summarizing the plot or retelling events in the stories, and be sure to use literary terminology, especially in discussing the poems. Your responses should not just prove that you have read the works in the course; that is a given. Instead, your responses should demonstrate that you have thought about the works, their literary merits, and how they respond to medical and healthcare issues.

Write a 200- to 300-word response to four of the following. (Choose any four you like.)  Each response is worth a possible 25 points. The total minimum word count for the Mid-Term Exam is 800 words; maximum is 1500.

Number and label your responses with the labels I have given the questions in bold. Don't just number them. I should be able to tell which ones you are answering, of course, but I would like you to number and label them nonetheless.

AI Advisory: If there is evidence of unethical, non-judicious use of generative artificial intelligence language-processing tools (like Chat GPT) in your writing, I will question you about this, and probably award a grade of zero to you, and possibly report the incident to my department chair. Afterwards, the rest of your work will come under my close scrutiny. Do your own, original work.

These are the four that i have chosen 

1.Moore stories. You have read two short stories by the American author Lorrie Moore. Compare-contrast these two stories. You should acknowledge how they are similar in their literary qualities and effect, and how they differ, but which one would you say is superior in its presentation of medical and/or healthcare issues? Be sure to base your assessment squarely in its literary qualities, not merely in your personal tastes.

2.Imagery. Take an image from any poem, short story, or play that we have read and studied so far this semester, and explain how that image works to convey the overall impression (or theme) of the work. Refer to specific lines or passages in the work, and use appropriate literary terminology (e.g., image, speaker, line, protagonist, conflict, theme, etc.) so that your response is clear.

3.Medical humanities. What work that we have read so far has taken you more deeply into matters that relate to your chosen profession? Explain how the overall point of that work relates to your chosen profession, and address two or three elements of that work that make it such a memorable work.  Note: If you choose to write about a work that you have addressed already in another question on this exam, be sure that your response here is substantially different from the other one, and that you do not repeat yourself unnecessarily.

4.Most effective work. Discuss the work from which you have learned the most about literature so far this trimester. (So this would be the one that has made you see the relevance of literature, not necessarily how it relates to your chosen profession.) What is it about that work--more than the others we have read-- that has made it so satisfying to you? Note: If you choose to write about a work that you have addressed already in another question on this exam, be sure that your response here is substantially different from the other one, and that you do not repeat yourself unnecessarily.

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