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Reflect on the topics you have studied during this course. What stood out the most for you? What did you find least interesting? What are some of the things you learned that you will take back to your
Reflect on the topics you have studied during this course. What stood out the most for you? What did you find least interesting? What are some of the things you learned that you will take back to your classroom? How will you implement them? If you are not currently teaching discuss what you would take back to your classroom and how you would implement them.
This assignment will be assessed using the Portfolio Activity rubric.
1. Bitner, N., & Bitner, J. (2002). Integrating technology into the classroom: Eight keys to success. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 10(1), 95–100.
- There are many issues related to the successful use of technology in the classroom. An often-overlooked but crucial determinant of whether technology succeeds or fails in the classroom is the skill and attitude of the teacher (Bitner & Bitner, 2002).
2. Darling-Hammond, L., & Richardson, N. (2009, February). Teacher learning: what matters? Educational Leadership, 66(5), pp 46-53.
- Research does not support professional development that relies on the one-shot workshop model (Darling-Hammond & Richardson, 2009). Professional development is more effective when schools approach it not in isolation (as in the traditional one-shot workshop) but rather as a coherent part of a school reform effort.
3. Villegas-Reimers, E. (2003). Teacher professional development: an international review of the literature. IIEP, pp. 67-118.
- Read pages 67 - 118. Professional development opportunities can be created together by teachers and support people, either by choosing to focus on a new task which the teacher is interested in learning about or by focusing on a practice which the teachers implement regularly but would like to change (Villegas-Reimers, 2003, pp. 67–118).
Optional Video
Dr. Diana Wehrell-Grabowski. (2011, September 7). STEM teacher training workshop investigation: designing and constructing parachutes [Video]. YouTube. (5:18)
- This video is of teachers being introduced to parachute design in a STEM teacher training workshop. To begin the investigation teachers analyze seeds and seed dispersal. They make connections to biomimicry concepts (seeds to parachutes). They further explore Leonardo da Vinci's triangular shaped parachute inspired from nature (seed dispersal). Teachers then analyze and test a variety of pre-made parachutes. They are given a wide array of materials to build their own parachutes from. Teachers then design, construct, and test their own designs. Re-designing if necessary (Dr. Diana Wehrell-Grabowski, 2011).
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****** *** *** ****** below **** having a ******* **** attaching *** ******************** ***************** Name ****** ************** on *** ****** *** **** ******* during this ****** What ***** *** *** most *** **** What *** you **** ***** ************ **** *** **** of *** things you ******* **** *** **** **** back to **** classroom? *** will *** ********* them? ** *** *** *** currently teaching ******* **** *** would take **** ** **** classroom *** *** you would ********* ****** the paper * **** ****** **** technological *********** is ** ********* area that ******** ** be ******** and proper ******** considered ** ***** ** ********* *** ****** ** the ******* ** ********** *********** in ******** ******** should be **** ******* *** **** **** ***** support ** the ******* ***** **** * ****** ** ************ *** fear ** change is also * ********* ** the ******* of transition ******** ****** have * ****** ******* ****** to ******* **** both ******* *** ********** **** **** ** ****** ** 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********** **** ******* If * ******* ** ******* education *** professional *********** is ** ** ********* it must include * multicultural perspective Teachers *** very essential ****** ** social ****** ******* they **** ********* and attitudes **** ******* political *** ****** fairness In **** extreme ***** much ****** ** ****** ** this component ** * ********* ************ activity *** ** * ****** teacher ******** ******* have accepted this ** * *********** ** ***** ******** ******* that *** development ** **** ******** ********* ** should ** ******* as part ** ******* *********** not **** in **** ***** *** ** all ********* and contexts ******** ****** ******* ********* and ****** ** *** ** ********* ********** ** the ********** **** ** ********** opportunities for ************ ************** as **** as a number ** *** ***** ********** *********** ***** ***** ********* *** support ************************ ******* ** ******* teachers ** *** *** technologies **** ** the ********* ******** ******************* N ***** ****** * (2002) *********** ********** **** the ********** ***** **** to ******* ******* ** Technology *** ******* ********* 10(1) 95–100 *********************************** *************** L ***** ********** * ***** ********* ******* ********* **** ******** *********** Leadership 66(5) ** ***** http://citeseerxistpsuedu/viewdoc/download?doi=10113938634&rep=rep1&type=pdf1 **************** * ****** ******* ************ development: ** ************* ****** ** *** ********** **** ** ****** *************************************************************************