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Regardless of the legal issues, do you feel it is fair for an employer to require that only English be spoken in the workplace? Why or why not? Please Reference
Regardless of the legal issues, do you feel it is fair for an employer to require that only English be spoken in the workplace? Why or why not?
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******* **** **** PolicyNameInstitution English **** Work ******* ******* ** ** *** appropriate *** ********* ** ******* ***** ********* to **** speak ******* ** *** ********* ******* is *********** *** **** purposes and *** *** ****** not ** ******** to breaks and personal ************* In ******* English restrictions ****** only ** **** when ********** ********* ** is **** to ******** in ******** ******** ********* **** *** *** ********** *** *** ************ ** the ******* English only ******** *** **** ***** *** ********* ********** ****** ************** *** ** ********* if ********* ********* are **** ****** ** **************** personal ************* ****** *** ** ***** to ******* ************ **** ** even if ** is ******* permissible ** *** **** * restriction Such * *********** ****** not ***** since ** ** *********** ** ***** liberties ** ** * ***** ***** for ****** ** ***** ** *** language **** *** most *********** ********* **** ******* *** ******* *********** ** extend ** ******** ************* *** ********** ** **** human ****** ******* English only policies *** *** appropriate ******* they negatively affect *** image of *** ************ ****** **** ******** *** ****** ************** **** ** *** ************ ***** ******** to discriminate **** ************ *** ****** ********** ***** **** policies *** ********** to be ************** of ******** ** ***** ********* that ***** ** ***************** **** ******** can ***** the ******** ****** ********* *** deem such ******** ** ** ******** Some might not ** able to *********** ** ***** relations that ** *** speak ******* **** at work The ****** **** ***** the ********* ** **** hostile *** *** ** ******** languages *** **** *** employees to **** comfortable ** the workplace An ******* **** ****** denies *** ******** the chance ** **** *********** ** *** ********* The ****** can **** ********** the ********* that will particularly *** targeted ***** ******** morale ********** ***** ** poor *** *********** ********* 2017( I ******* *** *** **** ** ************ ******* only ******** ****** *** ** *********** in the ************************************************************** A ****** *** ******** politics ** ******* ** an ************* language ***************** * (2017) Trusting ********** *** *** Relationship ** ******** Morale *** *** Satisfaction ********* ************ ********** ** ********