rent Allenment Number 60.2 B G 3 You are interested in enhancing learning. You decide to test the hypothesis that continual self-testing as part of...
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rentAllenmentNumber60.2BG3You are interested in enhancing learning. You decide totest the hypothesis that continual self-testing as part ofLnthe learning process can benefit the long-term retentionof information. In this case, testing refers to learning thematerial to a 100% accurate level and then continuing to8be tested on the material during later learning trials. You9decide to compare participants in the self-test condition to10participants who learned the material to the 100% leveland continued to study the material but did not engage in11ongoing self- testing. You test the long-term retention of12the information for the two groups 1 week later. The data13are shown on the right. Is there support for your14hypothesis?1516171819
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