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* Hypothesis DiscussionHypothesis ******* refers ** *** ******** ** ** ********** ** ********* its ******** ********** *** ** defined ** * *********** ** * *** ** *********** *** forth as ** *********** *** *** ********** ** some specified ***** ** ********* either ******** ****** as * *********** ********** ** ***** **** ************* or ******** ** ****** ******** ** *** light ** *********** ***** (Kothari ***** ********** testing is ********* ** *** business ******* *** various reasons ***** ** ******* ********** ** know ******* *** ********** *** ******* This *** be ** ******** phenomena ** * ************ ********** **** as employee ************ ** ******* ********** Calculations RegionExpectedActualSouth *********************************** **** ***************** * ** - E)^2/ ***** * (98 - 100)^2 * / ******* = ******* * **** * ****** ) * ******* * 016Total * *** * *** * **** * *** * ********* ***** ** 005 * 3841Calculated value ** less than *** ******** ***** 3841 Therefore ** ****** *** **** hypothesisRegionExpectedActualNorth ************************************ **** Region:Chi-Square * (O * ***** ***** ( **** * ****** * * ******* = ******* * (214 - ****** * / 150> * 2731Total = *** * **** = ****** * ***** * ***** = 1Critical ***** at *** * ************** ***** ** greater **** the critical value **** ********* ** ****** the **** hypothesisRegionExpectedActualPacific Defined200205Open200278South East ***************** * (O * E)^2/ ***** ( **** * ****** ) / ******* * ******** * (278 * ****** * * ******* = 3042Total * **** + 3042= ******* * ***** * (2-1) * ********* ***** ** 005 * 3841Calculated ***** ** ******* than *** ******** value 3841 Therefore ** ****** the **** *************** ******** of ********** ***** South East ********* **** region the **** ********* **** ** ****** accept the **** ********** ********* ** the ***** **** region there is ** ************ between *** ****** of ***** **** * representative ***** *** *** ********* ***** or ******** **** * representative works ***** ***** **** ********* this region *** test ********* **** we ****** reject *** **** ********** ********* ** *** ***** **** ****** ***** is * ************ ******* *** ***** ** ***** ********* * ***** ************** has ***** ** defined) and *** amount ** ***** ** or she ***** ****** * ********** ******* ********* **** ****** the **** ********* that ** should ****** *** **** hypothesis Therefore in *** ******* ****** ***** ** * ************ ******* the ***** ** sales ********* * sales ************** has ***** or defined) *** *** ****** of sales ** ** she ***** during * ******** Other *********** *********** **** can conduct other ******** ****** ****** a ********** decision *** **** ****** *** ******** ** ******** ******* test *** ** ******* *** According ** ******* this ********* is **** **** ******** ****** ***** *** involved **** **** seeks ** determine ** there *** ************ or differences ******* **** **** two samples In **** businesses *** ******* ANOVA *** ** **** ** sustain ** ****** the ***** *** ************ ** sales ************** *** * region ***** ** defined)5 ******** *********** of ********** ******** **** *** **** ** used * **** to *********** if * ******* ******* sales **** ** *** ****** ********* ******* ** the year (summer ****** winter spring)The **** *** also ** **** ** **** ** a new ******* **** ** **** ** ********* ***** region ****** launching ReferencesKothari C * **** ******** ************ ******** *** Techniques **** *** ** **** *** *** ************* **********************