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Scenario: Imagine that a psychologist working with veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder wants to compare the effectiveness of several...

Scenario: Imagine that a psychologist working with veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder wants to compare the effectiveness of several therapies focused on reducing symptoms of anxiety. The psychologist randomly sampled 20 veterans who recently returned from combat and randomly assigned each of them to receive one of four interventions for 8 weeks. A survey was used to measure the participants' anxiety at the end of the 8 weeks. Higher anxiety scores indicate more anxiety.

Use SPSS to compare the mean anxiety scores with a one-way ANOVA.

  • Before computing any analyses, state the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis in words (not formulas).
  • Identify the factor and dependent variable.
  • Name the levels of the factor.
  • State the degrees of freedom between groups and explain how you calculated it by hand.
  • State the degrees of freedom within groups and explain how you calculated it by hand.
  • Identify the obtained F value using SPSS.
  • Identify the p value using SPSS.
  • Explain whether the F test is statistically significant. Explain...
  • Explain what the psychologist can conclude about the relationship between different types of therapy and anxiety.
  • Should the psychologist conduct a post hoc test? Why or why not? If post hoc testing is needed, conduct a Tukey HSD post hoc analysis in SPSS. Explain what the results tell

• Anxiety scores for 5 veterans who received behavioral therapy: 201, 199, 201, 203, 202  

• Anxiety scores for 5 veterans who received cognitive therapy: 199, 198, 210, 200, 202  

• Anxiety scores for 5 veterans who received biofeedback therapy: 205, 210, 205, 206, 210  

• Anxiety scores for 5 veterans who received medication therapy: 203, 204, 205, 206, 206

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