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se your textbook and the Capella library to complete the following. Note that the library readings for this unit are a cohesive three-part series; you will use them to support this week's discussion.
se your textbook and the Capella library to complete the following. Note that the library readings for this unit are a cohesive three-part series; you will use them to support this week's discussion.
- In your Business Intelligence and Analytics: Systems for Decision Support text, read Sections 3.3 and 3.4 in Chapter 3.
- This reading provides you with an overview of processes and architectures associated with data warehousing.
- Read Reimers' 2014 article, "Leveraging Business Intelligence to Make Better Decisions: Part I," in Medical Practice Management, volume 29, issue 5, pages 327–330.
- Read Reimers' 2014 article, "Leveraging Business Intelligence to Make Better Decisions: Part II," in Medical Practice Management, volume 29, issue 6, pages 387–390.
- Read Reimers' 2014 article, "Leveraging Business Intelligence to Make Better Decisions: Part III," in Medical Practice Management, volume 30, issue 1, pages 31–34.
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***** * ** ******* *** *** ******** file for **** question ** the *** ****** ** *** form of ** ******** ******** **** **** *** ******** ****** ** ***** below **** as * ****** **** * hope this will **** you * *** ** **** ******* **** ** ********** **** of Capri ******* ** ******* **** ********** **** ************** *********** Implementation **** ********************* ** Capri ** a ****** ****** ** *** USA ******** *** ********** committee ** *** Isle of ***** has ******* to ******* * ******** ********* enterprise ****** The *********** ******* ** *** **** ********* ********** ******** ****** ** the addition of *** ******** account details ****** **** ** *** ****** ***** *** software ************* ***** *** ********* **** **** a ******** uses ** **** **** in *** ****** event The financial ****** loss and ********** ** *** different ********* *** ***** ** *** ******** ***** accessing it ***** *** ****** * ******* ******** ** *** **** ** ***** ******* every **** **** ****** ***** ****** with ** ********** budget of ** casinos spread **** *** different ******* ***** *** chances ** error in the ************ ************ ** *** ****** involves ***** ****** and *********** ** *** ******** The **** ********* ********** ********** ****** helps ** *** ******* ** *** ******* of the ********* ********* ** *** different **** present in *** ******** ***** **** ** ***** *** ********* business ************ software ******** *** *** ************ *** updating of the ******** like *** ****** *** TeradataDiscussionThe greatest challenge *** *** **** ** Capri ******* ** the *********** ** the *********** ** the finances *** investment ** ******** ** ****** ******** them ***** **** The ************ ** *** **** ********* enterprise ******** has proved out ** ** a ******** *** **** *** ****** ******* of *** ********* are **** ** **** *** *** property investment ********** ** *** ******** ** ******* ** *** ******* ****** after ******* ** that ********* the ***** of *** ******** * ***** **** *** ******** can calculate *** amount ** ***** that * customer uses *** ******* ***** ****** *** the ******* *** ********** of *** **** ***** of *** ****** finances *** much ****** to ******* ** ********** to *** manual calculation ******* ******* There is ** ****** ** *** ******** to analyze *** ********* ******* ** *** customers *** ****** * **** ****** ** ***** ** *** ******** **** ***** is ** automatic ****** for ******** *** reports ** the customers **** ********* ********** ** the ******** ** *** ***** ** *** customers ******* ** al ********** ** a **** ******** ** *** software memory for storing *** ******** ********* *********** of the ********* *** ******** ******** *** ********* stages ** ******** ************ ************** ******* *** ******* ******* procedures ***** *** ********* ****** layers in the ******** that ****** *** **** ** **** **** ** ******** ********** ********** ********** ******* *** ********* and *** ****** ************ ******* et ** ***** The ********* *********** ** ********* on *** log-in ****** *** *** customers ***** **** are resting in ***** ***** **** ***** ** beneficial *** **** *** ***** ******** ** the ******** *** software *** various ***** ** interpret and analyze the ******* **** ** ******** **** a network connection to *** **** machine ******** ***** ************* ****** is **** **** ** *** **** warehouse ********** ************** ****** ***** **** * ******** ************* ********* There ** ** ease ** ********* *** ********** **** *** *** ****** ******** ***** **** * ******** ******** of the ****** **** * customer ************ in *** day *** monitoring ********** can generate many **** ******* within ******* **** ******** ******** *********** ******* ****** ******* ** ** ***** **** ***** *** **** benefits to ********** *** **** warehouse ********** management ****** *** other ******** ******* *** ****** ********** ** the ****** server **** *** analysis ******** ******** *** the ******** of receiving ******* ****** **** *** ********* *** challenge ** preparing manual ******* ** *** investment **** ** *** customers is **** ** the ******** ********** ** *** software **** *** ******** feedback data ***** ************ then the property **** ********** analysis ** the ********* **** be ********* ** ***** ******* *** ******** ******** ******** ********** ***** will **** be ** ******** ** *** gambling ********** *** day ** * ******** *** ********** ** *** data ********* enterprise management ************ ********** ******* the ********* of *** ********* ****** of ********* like *** ********* system which ******** of the ***** **** staging area ********* **** ******** ** the *** data ******* *** ********* *** ******** ********* connects the ***** purchasing and ********* **** ** the customers *** ****** *** ****** money There ** a ******** ****** **** connects monitors *** ******** the reporting and ****** *** ******** *** *********** ** ********** *** *** ****** of enterprise ******** management system is ********* *** *** ****** file ***** ****** ** ****** documentation ******* (Reimers ***** *** ***** ******** ** database ******* ******* *** healthcare ****** that ****** **** ********** ** the ******* ********** ******* ***************** *********** *** *** ****** ** the ******* ******* reports There ** * facility of the ********** ** the ******* of *** ******* ************ ** the ********* **** the ****** ************* **** narcotics and pain-relieving drugs ** *** enterprise ******** (Reimers 2014) **** *** ******** ************ tools *** proving ** ** **** ********** for *** data ********* ********** ** the ********* records ** the ******* *** for *********** ******* ** many ******** in *** healthcare databaseConclusionThe **** of ***** is * casino ******** ******* that ** ******** ** ******* *** ******** warehouse enterprise ******** management ****** ***** implementing *** ********** *** software *** **** process ** analyzing *** **** flow ** **** ****** ** comparison ** *** ****** system ***** *** ******** ******** of the ******** **** a ******* ** ************* ******* *** ****** *** *** ***** ****** ********** of *** **** investment per *** ****** gambling ******** investment ************** *** *** availability of new ****** options for **** ******** *** ********** ******** *** a ******** ** storing *** *********** of the customers with ********** ******** ******** ***** *** ***** ******** **** ********** ******** and *** calculation of *** ***** being invested ** *** ********* *** ****** The ******* ********** has a **** ********* ** the ******** **** ******* *** monitoring *** ***** investment ****** and loss ** * ******** ****** **** * ***** *** ************ ** *** ******** *** ******* *** ********* ** *********** ****** ********** records ** the customers who ****** *** monitoring ********** can ******* *** ***** ****** **** *** customers and a ******** ****** of *** ******** ******* of *** ********* is ********* ****** a *** ******* ******** of records are **** to ***** in *** ********* ******** **** ******* ******** features *** ************ measuresReferencesReimers * **************** business intelligence ** make ****** decisions Part * Journal ******* ******** ********** ***** ************* * **************** ******** ************ to **** better ********* Part II ******* Medical ********* *********** 29(6) 387-90Reimers * (2014)Leveraging business intelligence to **** ****** ********* **** *** ******* ******* Practical ********** ***** ********** * ****** * ***** ***** * ************** ******* *** ******** ************ ************ ** p 80) ******* Education *********** and ************ ** ** ********* *** **** to **** an EDW?Answer- Isle ***** ** **** ** ************** data **** ***** system) *** ** ********** ** the number ** people ******** *** **** ** *********** ***** **** ***** *** ******** ** ****** visiting *** **** casino ***** year which makes *** ****** ********* *** ************* ** *** cash flow ** the ***** ** the ******** process ************ ********* *** ***** The *********** and ************ of ** *** system **** ****** the ******* and ********** ** the ********* ******* ** *** *** customers *** gamble ** *** casino (Turban ** ** *********** were *** ******** ********** ** opportunities that **** was facing?Answer-The ********* ** *** ************** and ************ ** * *** ******** project **** *** ***** the ********* **** **** ******** monetary **** of ******** ** *** customers who **** to gamble ** *** ****** ***** year ***** is a **** hurdle ******* *** manual *********** ** *** ******** ********** ********* ******* ** * ***** *** ******* task The ************* include the **** ** monitoring *** ******* ** *** customers online ******** ************ ******* facility *** ****** ** ****** *** ***** out ** *** ******** **** with * comparison *** ******** ** *** ******** ****** profit **** *** **** ** the ********** **** (Turban ** ** *********** was the ******* **** ******** ** ******* **** ******* ** *** potential ********** **** ***** have had ** go through *** ******* ** EDW developmentAnswer-The ******* ******** ** ******* *** installation *** *** setting ** * ************* **** *** ******** giants ** the USA like ******** *** *** ****** for ******** ************ **** ** ******** ** *** ******** to ********* and ******* ** EDW **** *** ******** ********** ** *** ******** data ******* collaboration **** Teradata and *** IBM ****** for ******** ************ The challenge that **** ***** **** **** through ** *** ******* of *** development ** *** difficulty ** the maintenance of ****** ******* ** millions ** ********** ********* ******** The other ********** ******* *** ********** of *** ********* ******** ****** ******** ***** ****** ********** *** ******** ****** ****** **** *** **** ******** ***************** the ****** **** *** *** ******* gaming ********* ** millions ** customers ******* et ** 2015)4)What were *** ******** ** implementing ** *** at ***** Can *** ***** ** other ********* ******** **** **** not ****** in *** *************** benefits ** ************ an *** ** **** are *** ****** ** **** ***** ********* *** financial ******** ******* * **** printout of the ******* ******** ** *** ****** *** **** email ***** ********* property ********** *** direct ********** ** *** **** machine with *** ******** ******** ** *** ********* Some other potential ******** that **** *** listed include the following **** *********** ** **** ********* *** ******** *** **** ** *** ********* ** *** database *** much **** ********* handling of *** ******** ********* ******* ******* ****** of ******** ******* et ** ********** ** *** ***** large enterprises **** Isle ** *** gaming industry *** ******* ******* having * capable **** ****************** intelligence ************************* ***** enterprise **** **** ** the ****** ******** can succeed without ****** * capable **** warehouse/business ************ infrastructure ** that there **** be ** *********** ** *** ******** ***** *** * ********** with *** ******** ******** value *** ****** ********* trends marketing ************** *** ***** advertisements ******* the ************ ************ ** *** **** of *********** **** ********* ******* ** ** *****