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****************** ************** in New-West ********** ************** ***************** ***************** ************ NameInstructors NameAssignment’s Due ******************** There *** **** * **** in *** **** *** the ************ ** ****** its ********** *** ***** ** ******************** ********* The ******* **** mark ******* new requirements **** **** ******** ************* with *** ***** ***** manufacturing *********** **** is *** to the **** in the ****** for products ************ ** ************* **** use environmentally ******** *** materials *** *********** ********* ***** et ** 2020) ********* the ******** ********** company must ***** ** *** *** ******** needs to ****** or ******** *** ***** *** ************* ********* ** the ***** ******** * **** *** ** ** ******* ****** *** ************ ***** *** ****** ** the ************* ******* ******* ******* ** the currently used raw ********* *** ********** on *** *********** ****** be ********* to *** ********* *** *** ************ ****** ** ***** *** *** ****** **** **** create **** the ****** *************** friendly operations ********* et al ***** Employees ****** be ******** ***** ************ *** processes that ***** *** organization ** ******** *** *********** **** ****** ** presented with ways ** ********* *** *********** ****** *** *********** **** *** ******* on Managers ****** ** authorized ** analyze and **** *** best **** of ********* the ************** *** ************* resources and ********** It ** **** essential *** *** employees ** know the *** ************ *** ***** partners *** **** ** ******** working **** *** ************ *** *** ********** requirement ** ***** ***** ******* **** create **** **** *** the change to ** ******** in *** organization ********* *** ************** ********** *** ** presented ** *** ************ *** organization ****** ***** to ** ********* with *** Green Stamp ***** ** ** 2020) *** ************ ** ******** ** ******* *** ******* pieces ** machinery *** ****** *** ************* ** ***** the existing ********* ********* *** **** ****** ** ** ***** ** ***** ** *** ****** ******* ** *** ********** *** *** roles **** **** are ***** ** ** assigned by the ************ ***** & ***** ***** ********* managers should ** able to ****** ***** budget to fit *** required ******* ****** most ** their ********* *** ******** ** ******* ******** The ********** should ****** **** all *** ********** *** to reduce ************** ** ************** *** roles of all *** stakeholders should be ********** ** ****** that **** are ***** ** ******** that *** *** ********** *** **** in ** ******************** *** ******** of *** the *********** should ** *********** *** ensuring **** **** attained *** Green ***** requirement for their organization within *** *** ****** ******* ****** also ******* benchmarking in ***** ************* producing *** **** ******** *** have been ***** *** Green ***** certification **** should ** responsible *** ******** ***** ************ on *** *** ***** ************ has ******** *************** ******** ********** ********* ** ** ***** ********* *** *********** for ********* ******** *** ******* *** ****** **** will ** **** **** the ********** ****** *** ************ ****** ** **** ** build ************* **** ***** ************* that *** ****** ******* ******** ** **** ** **** ** share ******** *********** (Aslam ** ** ***** ********* ****** **** be ***** ** ****** **** **** ***** training **** ** the **** **** ** **** ** *** *** operations ******* **** they **** ** **** to gain enough information **** ***** ******* *** *** ************ should ** **** ** ******** **** **** **** ***** sharing ***** ***** ********** ********* departments *** how **** will **** ** **** ********* ******* ** *** same department ****** also be ******* ******** ** *** their ********** ***** **** *** part ** ******** that **** are still efficientHelping ************* ****** ***** by ***** ******** with knowledge ***** the ********** of *** organizations *** *** *** materials **** *** ********* ***** ** determine *** the ************ **** *********** **** **** ******************** ********* *********** ******** *** ***** ******* should also ** ******* **** *** ******* of other ************* ****** ******* ******** ** ********* *** best ********* **** will ****** ***** ***** Ahmad 2020) This will help *** ************ with ************ ** ******** ** raw ********* **** **** ** **** valuable or reduce the ******** ** ***** ******** ****** training ****** ** done ****** during *** after *** *** ***** of ********* installation ** ensure that **** are well learned ********* ****** ** mentored ** *** **** *** *** *** operations **** *** organization ** embracing **** ****** **** be ******** ** the good **** will ***** ** *** *********** **** **** continue *********** and improving ***** ********* *** *** ********* *** organization's leaders need to ********* the need ** conserve *** *********** ******* *** *** **** **** is done ********* ** al ***** All *** *** ***** brought by *** employees ****** ** ********** by ******* *** ********* **** **** up with * **** ****** ********** **** ******** ************* ******************** *** professional ******** ****** ***** **** **** ****** the ************ *********** *** **** that the ********* are doing ** ****** **** it is done in *** ***** *** Coaching the employees **** ensure * ****** ********** ** *** **************** ********** ** ******************** ********* *** ******** ******** *** ********* ****** be **** in * ********* way to reduce *** complexity ** *** *** functions ***** *** many errors *** other ****** **** are ********* through ******** *** ********* ** *** organization ******* ****** also ** through *** ******** ******* ** ********** *** **** **** ** ******** *** new *********** ***** *** ******* ** ****** ** increase ******** ******* ***** ***** ********** ******** ********* *** ******* employees ****** ** assessed to ********* ***** ************ ** ****** *** *** ********** ***** & ***** ***** ***** ****** ****** be ******* ** ***** ******** ** the *** ********* and check ** ***** ********* ** ***** to new ********* Employees ****** ** ******** ** their education ****** and *** **** of knowledge **** have and ******** with *** ******** *** **************** *** *** ********* ****** ** encouraged to ** ******** ****** ** embrace the ******* **** will ***** in *** ************ ****** ** ** ***** ******* the ************ ****** ****** ******* departments with insufficient ***** ***** ** ****** ** adapt to the *** ********* ****** effectively ******** *********** should be considered ***** ** ******** *** ********* ** continue working **** ** ***** departments ** ******** ********* **** ******* *** ****** ************* should ** ***** the **** ***** ********* ****** *** ******** workers gain enough ********** ** **** * role ** **** situations **** leaders ** ******* *********** *** ******** ***** ***** workers ** *** **** *********** *** *** ones *** ****** be ********** ***** *********** ****** **** ** **** ** the ********* and ***** ******* should *** not ready ** provide *** required ******** ** *** organization ******* & ***** ***** Some ******* **** ** the operational ******** should be ******** ** *** ************* **** experience ** *** new ********* *** ******** ******** ********* ****** ** ******** ***** ********* ****** *** **** departments ***** **** **** ******* ****** similar ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** The *** ********* **** ****** **** a new ******* **** ** ******* *** organization **** also ****** *** ********* ****** *** ************ **** ** ***** ** improve the production levels *** ************ ****** also ******** ********* its new ******** ******* ********* ****** ** ** ***** Consumers should be ******* ** *** ****** in *** ******* *** ********** ** ensure that *** ***** ** *** ******** have **** maintained **** ********* to *** consumers ensures **** **** *** aware ** *** ******* ** *** ****** and cost ** *** ******** **** use ********* *** ******* ** the ******** being presented **** *** ************ *** ******** an awareness ******** ** *** ******* the ************ *** also likely ******** its ******** due ** *** ****** ** *** ******* componentsSystems *** Structures ******* ** *** organization should ****** that ************* are being ***** ******* different *********** to ******* *** ********** ** *** *** *********** ******* There ****** ** daily *** ****** ******* that *** required ** ** ********* ** *** ********** *** **** ** ** **** to ***** *** ******* ** production *********** in ********* *********** **** **** ** ** **** ** determine the *************** *********** *** *** ones **** *** ***** well ********* ** ** ***** *** ******* **** the ******** information on *** **** **** ******* *** ***** **** require **** resources Other customer ******* ****** ** well ******** to ********* **** *** product needs to ** ******** to increase sales *** ******** satisfaction ** *** ************** process *** ********* *** ***** ** affected negatively ****** ** *********** ** *** ************ ** ****** **** and ******** their loyalty ****** ** al 2018) ** the other **** *** ************ will **** compensate ****** by ******* *** ****** ** *** *********** of the consumers There **** be **** ***** **** *** ************ will ***** through *** ************** process; ***** *** increase ** ***** *** ********* ** ***** **** enable ** ** ****** the ***** ********* ****** **** ** *********** if **** have ******** * less ********* ******* ** retain ******** ******* The ********** ****** determine the **** ***** **** **** ** **** ** take ** ****** the **** ** transformation to reduce the ****** There ****** be * **** flow ** *********** ****** *** ************ to ****** **** the ********** can **** *** right decisions ** the right time **** a good ************ ** ***** ******* the ********* *** ***** leaders **** **** be presenting the ****** **** *** ****** *** organization in * ***** way ******* ***** ***** ***** ************* should ** **** ***** *** all *** ********* should ** ***** ******** **** **** **** ** *** something ********** the ************ The ********** ****** ** ********** ** be **** to *** employees ** allow **** to ***** *** ******** *********** about the organization ********* leaders can ********* ***** that *** ** improved ** ******** ************ The efficiency of *** new ********** process ****** ** ******** ** *** revenue ** brings ******** ** *** time *** ********* required to ******** ***** Operational managers ***** ******** ******** *** ********** ******** should ** able ** ********* the costs of each ** their *********** ** ********* ** **** *** ****** *** ******** productivity ****** ** ** 2018) *** operational department should ****** **** **** *** using *** ***** ********* *** *** ******* **** of its ********* to make other ******** ******* to their ******** base ******* ** *** organization ****** ******* the ****** ** ***** **** ****** be incurred ** **** department to ***** ************ **** ****** **** be flexible in ******** *** methods ** improve ***** ****************** Engagement The ************ should ********* *** ********* ** ******** well with each other during ****** ********** ******* teamwork ** ****** ****** * ******** ******* *********** that ******** ********** *** ******** thinking Leaders ****** ******* resources ** the employees ******* collaboratively ** ***** ***** ******** ************** ****** ******* ***** Higgs 2018) ********* of *** ************ ****** ** ******** with ******* ***** ** ******* ***** engagement **** employees *** ***** the task ** ******* * ******* ******* it helps **** build * creative environment ***** **** can ****** ***** their ***** (Olah ** ** ***** The rising ****** **** are ****** ** ****** the organization ****** ** solved ***** ** the ********* ** allow them ** **** *************** Different *********** should also ** allowed ** ***** ***** *********** with the ***** *********** ** increase ******** ********** ****** ** ** ***** ******* of *********** ***** ********* learn about **** ***** *********** *** ***** ***** they *** *** *** information ** ******** in what **** *** ***** ** ***** ********************* ******** ********** ******* ****** **** * flexible ******* ***** *** * ******** ********* **** can ***** new *********** ********* to ******* or retain revenues There *** **** ***** **** *** ************ **** ***** ** ** ****** ****** its ********** ****** the required time it **** potentially ****** *** income ** *** *** *** ************** stakeholders *** ********* ** ensure that the ********* ** *** ************ **** *********** ************ *** management ****** **** ** ***** ** **** *** **** risks in *** ********** changes ******** ** *** developing ************* ***** (Olah ** al ************************ * ******* F Imran * * & ****** * (2018) ******** ************** ********** and ***** ***** ** implementation ** organizational changeJournal ** ************** ****** ******************* * Pont * ******** * ***** ***** * (2020) ********** ******* * ********** review ** ******* ********* ******************** * ***** ***** * ****** Leadership and change ************** ** * Russian ************** ** ******* *************** ********* * ********* * **** * **** * * ****** * ***** ********* N ****** ****** ** ******** ** ** ************* ********************************** ******** * ***** Ahmad * ***** April) ************* the **** ** ******** ********* to ****** ** ********* ************** ****** *************** a theoretical *********** ********** *** Social Development ***** ** ************ **** ************* ********** ********** ** ******** *** ****** ************* ****

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