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Select one of the following situations to observe, and make detailed notes about the observation:

Select one of the following situations to observe, and make detailed notes about the observation:

  • Observe a small group or team--such as an office team, sports team, work environment, church group, family gathering, hobby group, or support group--and take copious notes regarding the interactions and communication dynamics you observe. The observation should be 30 minutes in length.
  • Watch a television show--such as a sitcom or any reality show--that depicts small groups, families, or teams. Take notes regarding the interactions and communication dynamics depicted in the television show.

Prepare, submit, and present a seven- to nine-slide PowerPoint® presentation, in which you assess the interactions and dynamics within the communication climate you observed.

Describe the following concepts:

  • Supportive and defensive communication climates
  • Confirming and disconfirming responses
  • Cohesiveness
  • Active listening
  • Nonverbal dynamics

In addition to your assessment, answer the following questions:

  • What types of verbal and nonverbal dynamics were there? Explain.
  • What behavior indicated a supportive or defensive communication climate? Why?
  • What types of confirming or disconfirming responses did you witness? How did they contribute to the cohesiveness of the group?
  • What types of barriers or indicators to effective listening occurred? Why were they a barrier or indicator?

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Definition of terms• Defensive communication is communication characterized by thefollowing aspects• Neutrality to what is being discussed• Superiority; where one party wants to...
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