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Social Ethical and Legal Implemantation

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Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to help students think through the importance of social, legal, and ethical issues that may arise with their product or service and the implications of decisions made within those frameworks. It is designed to help the learners understand ethical and legal issues related to marketing practices. This knowledge helps to prevent such issues when developing the marketing strategies in their marketing plan. The executive overview of the marketing plan is not a summary and conclusion, but an overview of what the plan entails and what it does not address.

Assignment Steps

Producing and marketing a product without regard to ethical, legal, and social considerations is detrimental to the overall success of any company.

Assess in a maximum of 700 words the ethical, legal, and social issues affecting your product or service in two markets: the United States and one international market. Domestic market generally means the market where the company headquarters are located. If you choose a domestic market that is not the U.S., then your other market is required to be the U.S. marketplace. The general information on your two markets should be added to the Target Market section of your Marketing Plan.

Include the following:

  • Develop a process to monitor and control marketing performance. This process could be a flowchart but a flowchart is not required (flowcharts do not count towards your word count requirement).  Any included flowchart must be a supplement to your verbiage, not a substitute.  Explain your process.

Formulate a maximum 350-word executive summary including at a minimum the following elements:

  • Required executive summary elements:
    • Strategic Objectives 
    • Products or Services 
  • Optional executive summary elements:
    • Resources Needed 
    • Projected Outcomes

Integrate the previous weeks' sections, and incorporate corrections and suggestions from the instructor's weekly feedback into one comprehensive paper.  Do not just put the individual papers together in one document.  You are submitting one marketing plan. Headings correctly formatted are crucial in this assignment. The marketing plan should be a minimum of 3,850 words and include the elements you have already explored from the following:

  • Incorporate Understanding Target Markets (Week 2)
  • Incorporate Promotion and the Product Life Cycle (Week 3)
  • Incorporate Price and Channel Strategy (Week 4)
  • Incorporate Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy (Week 5)
  • Incorporate Executive Summary, Legal, Social and Ethical Considerations (Week 6)

Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed references. 

Include all peer-reviewed references (12) from the previous weeks' individual assignments in your marketing plan.  This is a total of at least 15 academic references.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

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********* plan social ******* and legal ************ **** ******** and ********** Prepared by ********* **** Professor's name Department UniversityDate: ********************************* ********* ************ ************ supplies ****** ********** ********** ******* and ****************** ************ **** ***** the *********** ** vehicles ***** either conventional ** alternative ****** ***** ****** This marketing **** *********** *** market ******* and *** strategies we **** put ** ***** to ****** * wider ******** base and ******** an ****** ****** of ******* and profits for the ******* Our position ** *** ****** will *** ** labelled ** ***** *** ***** ***** ******* technology company' *** *********** ***** ** ******** ** *** ****** *** **** ** ************ ** *** ***** vehicle industry **** ** ***** *** *** *********** ** ********* *** customers **** * *** ****** *** ******** *** **** ********** *** magnificent rides *** ******* ** *** ***** vehicle axles meant for * ******** ** ******** ** *** **** This includes passenger ******** ********** ****** *** *********** ********* We will **** *** *********** of ***** axles **** ******* ******** ******* **** *** aim ** ****** ** ***** 20% sales ** *** ***** **** *** ********** ** *** company has *** ********* ********** to ****** **** projected ******** ****** * reality ** three ************ ****** ********* ******** *** *********** strategies Our ********* ********** **** ********* ** ****** ****** sales ******* ******* *** *********** ***** ******** * ** generate **** ******* ***** ** *** ***** **** of ******** ** ** increase ***** by 45% in **** two ** business *** ******** * 36% or ***** ********* successively ** *** ********* ***** of ******** *** To ****** ******* *********** by *** ***** *** *** ** *** ***** business ***** *** *********** *********** ** ** ** *** **** period ******** strategic ********** *** *** ** ***** ** ensure ********* customer ********* *** ********** ** **** are *** reason for *** ********* of *** business ***** ******** * ** ******* and ******** outstanding ******** ******* ******* establishment ** customer ******* ******* ******** system ** To ******* our service ******** for *** and ******** customersOperational ********** include *** ********** i ** **** product meet ********* ** ********** ********** ii ** develop *** implement a ******** promotional **** ** increase ******** ************* market  **** *** targets * ****** **** the following *************** ******* ****** ********** savvy and *** ** between 21 *** ***** ******* plans ** **** *** ******** * ***** one ** *** US *** * ******* ****** in ***** ** **** ******* *** ********* ******* **** **** to **** ********** ** ******** ******* which *** light vehicle ********** ***** *********** *** ***** technologies  ******** social ******** *** ****** ****** **** *** ****** *** ******** ** the ******* ***** ****** ******* the ************* attitude ** *** **** ******* ******* ******* ********** is ******** The **** country *** ****** special ***** *** ***** This includes **** ******* *** other ******** costs ****** * If *** country ** *** doing ******** ** lacks social ************** ********** facilities ** *** ******* ******* may lead ** new capital *********** meant *** building ******* schools ************** ********** *** housing *** employees ii ********** ************ is **** ******* ***** ** *** government ** *** host ******* wants ** *** some part ** *** investment or ******** **** ** ******* * ******** social issue *** ** *** **** country *** *** ******* ******* are not ** **** terms *********** then ***** ***** *** ** *** ***** possible ** *** foreign ******* ** *** local ****** ** the US social ****** **** ***** arise ******* *** **** ** participate ** community **** ******** and ********** **** **** back to the ******* **** charity ***** *** *********** ********** ******** ethical ******** ** *** ******* ****** the ********* *** *** ******* issues **** ***** arise basing ** ********** practices human rights ************* *********** corruption and *** ***** obligation: * Rights *** ******** enjoyed ** **** developed ******* like *** ***** ** *********** and ******* ** speech *** *** ******* ******* *********** ** When *** ******* ********** ** *** host ****** *** ******** ** ***** ** *** home ******* *** **** ** ********* ** be ******* becomes a *** problem *** Bribery *** ********** The ********* of the business in *** foreign ******* should be ******* out ** * *** **** **** *** violate *** *** **** guiding ********** ********* iv Environmental *********** The product should ******* *********** conservation ******** ** *** ******* country lest ***** ***** *** ** *** ******** of *** ******* ********* ** the ***** ****** the ********* ***** ** ******* ***************** the business ******* ** honesty *** ********** ** ensure all *** ********* are treated **************** * diverse **** ***** for the ******* ***** ******** ***** ******** ************* *** ******* ** *** **************** ******** ****** ******* ****** ****** on ********** both employee *** ******** ****** *** ** ****** *** operations *** justThe business is ******** ** ****** ***** **** *** ****** ******* ******* **** ************* laws ****** and ******** statutes *** ***** ****** ****** ***** ************ ***** *** ******** has *** ******** in *** ** *** ** ***** *** ***** ******* ** **** ******* *** ** **** ******** on *** *** ******** will ** ********* Two key ******* **** therefore ** very ****** in operation ** **** ******** ***** are *** ***** ******** *** and the ************* *** The domestic law **** guide **** ********* *** ** ******** ** ******** **** *** ******* **** **** ****** the production ***** of the ******* The ************* *** will ****** the activities ** **** in Japan *** **** ** ********** ***** systems in place ** ***** ******* *** ****** is the ****** *** sharia ** civil *** ******* * ***** **** *** thin **** drawn between these ***** ***** ** ******* ** *** ******** ******* *** ******* In ****** *** ** is ***** ** **** judicial cases ***** ** ******* *** ******** in ***** *** *** ***** on Quran ********** ** ****** law *** ***** ****** ** place ** **** ****** ** **** ********* ************ ** *** ******** ***** ******* ******** ******* ********** ******* ******** ****** *** ***** ******* *** ******* business ******* to ***** and ******* *** ******** the license ************ ******* ************ *** **** ******** operating ***** are different ** *** US *** ** ***** ********** ******* ***** into *** picture when ** ***** ** *** ***** market ******** issues ********** to **** surround whether ********* *** ******* equally ** ***** ***** *** transparency ** ********** laws *** ********** of the ******* ******** ******* and *** ****** ** ***** ******* ********* *** ******* Japan ******* ** 5th *** ** 41 ********* ** *** Asia-Pacific region when ** ***** ** ******** ******* ***** freedom **** be ********* ** *** ****** systems ** ***** ** ******* duties ***** ** * percentage ** *** ***** ** ***** specific ****** ******** *** pricing regulations ** **** ***** and *** ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

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* fair conduct of business **** becomes ******** **** * company ***** ***** ethical *** ****** ****** ********* ***** **** *** commencement ******* *** **** ** ******* its ******** ** the domestic country or ** * foreign country ** ** abiding ** behave ** *** the legal *** ******* *********** ******** ** *** ********** ***** which ** ******* *** operations *** ** ******** ***** *** ****** ** ******** ********* ***** **** ***** the ******* **** **** **** ******* ******* to *** ****** requirement ***** it ***** **** * firm *** ** *********** *** ****** *** ******** ** *** *** ***** **** under which ** ***** Even when * firm ****** **** *** new ****** in *** other country **** it *** to ****** *** legal ****** which *** ***** at the **** ** ********** ******* **** * ********** **** not support foreign firm ****** **** the **** ** ***** ********* ****** issues *** **** important for *** **** to **** ***** *** ***** *** business policies ** ********** **** *** ******** ***** of *********** people ** ***** ******

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