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South University - NSG 6020 NSG 6420 MIDTERM South University - NSG 6020NSG 6420 MIDTERM South University - NSG 6020NSG 6420 MIDTERM South University - NSG 6020 NSG 6420 MIDTERM South University - NSG
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South University - NSG 6020NSG 6420 MIDTERM
South University - NSG 6020NSG 6420 MIDTERM
South University - NSG 6020 NSG 6420 MIDTERM
South University - NSG 6020NSG 6420 MIDTERM
South University - NSG 6020NSG 6420 MIDTERM
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*** **** MIDTERMLatest Quiz and ******* ***** **** MIDTERMCOPD Stage IMILDFEV1/FVC *************************** ************ ************* unaware lung ******** ** abnormal COPD ***** ****************** <70%FEV1 50-80%SOB **** exertionCough *** ****** ********** present COPD ***** ***************** **** ******* ************* ********** exercise capacityFatigueRepeated exacerbations **** ****** ** ********* ***** IVVERY ************************************ ******************* (elevation ** *** *** ******* ***** edema)QOL **** ********************* *** ** **** ************** **** FEV1 ****************************** of ********** ************* ******** ** ****** *************** diagnosis?SPIROMETRY ** ************** ************ with ************ bronchospasmAsthma Most common chronic respiratory ******** ***** all age groupsAsthma Atophyexaggerated IgE mediated immune ********* *** atophic disorders *** **** * hypersensitivity *************** I **************** ***************** *********************************** binds ** *** **** is bound ** ****** **** cells *** ***** ********* ********** ******* of preformed ********* ********** ********* *********** ******** *** synthesis of ***** ********* (prostaglandins ************ ******************* factor ***************** ************ ********* *** ************ ***** ********************** ********* (allergic ****** ******** conjunctivitis) *********** **** ***** ** angioedema ********** *** ***** *** some **** allergies**Develop ****** ***** ******** ** antigen Allergic ***** of ***************** eczema *** **************** ********** ****** ****** *** *** allergy Most ****** symptom ** asthmawheezing Common **** ******* ** asthma?Cough-can often ***** ** ** asthmaAKA ***** variant ************ *** ** ******* asthma ************ ************************* ************************* ********** </2/monthSABA *** </2 *********** interference **** norm activity0-1 exacerbations ********* oral steroids * ****** *** ************ ********** 1 Mild asthmaSx>/2days/week *** *** dailypm ********** ************** *** ***** ********* *** *** ********** ************************ ****** **** functionnormal FEV1 bt exacerbationsFEV1>80% predictedFEV1/FVC normal Mild ****** **** ******************* ************ ************ ****** ****** 2 Moderate ********* dailyPM *********** *********** *** not *********** **** dailysome *************** asthma **** function60<FEV1<80 ***************** ******* ******* ****** txstep * *** ******** **** ****** of **** *************** ********* ******* ***** awakenings: ***** **************** limited severe ****** **** ******************* ***************** reduced ************** asthma **** function ****** * ** * *** ******** ***** course ** **************** **** 1SABA *********** **** **** **** ******* ******** **** nedocromil ** ******************** **** **** dose *** * ******* ****** dose *********** **** ******* dose ICS + ************ **** ***** **** *** * *************** omalizumab *** patients **** ***************** **** ***** **** *** * LABA + oral ************************* omalizumab *** pts with ***************** ********** for ***** episodef/u ** *** ***** ** **** *** until ** is ********** q3-5 **** **** weekly ***** ** *** ********** *** peak **** ************ *** ** ********* **** ******* until ***** control *** at ***** * ********************************** **** ******* *********************** ********************* ** ***** **** *** ********* ***** on ********** ***** line- **** ************* ********* *********** **** ** ********* ***** ******* ***** peas *** ***** *** meat ********* foods ACDnormocytic ************************ microcytic ***************** common **** ** ****** in hospitalized ************ ******** or dec ******** ************ ******** ************************** hyopchromicNorm TIBCnorm Ironnorm ************ ************* on blood **** *** *************** DROP ***** ************ and ******************* **** *** *************** *************************** ******************** *** *** *** ****** ********** pernicious anemia s/sx ** vit *** deficiency?beefy-red ***** ****** (glossitis) *** ********** ****************** *********** tachypnea pallor loss ** fine motor ******* *********** *** ************** ** ****** ****************** *** ****** ***** anorexia glossitis ** ****** tube ********** ** ***** SIGNS Foods **** ** ***** ************ PB ***** ***** ******* ********* bread *** ************* **** in ************** ***** fish ********* cereals and ****** *** *** dairy *** meat *********** soy Diseases of primarily ************ **** ************ **************************** of ***** ****** ********* ***** *********** ** ****** ****** *** ********* ** ***** ************** *********************** *** *********** ** ***** alveolar ***** ****** *** ******** ********** **** wall destruction in ******* of *********************** ****** ********* ** *********** on ************** ** *************** confirms *************** ***** * ****** ********* stage ** ****** plus * ** more long ****** ********************* ***** *** txSABA plus * ** more ****** ******* ********************* ***** ** txSABA **** *** ** more LABAs; inhaled glucocorticoids; ** of ***************** ** **** ******************* increases in frequency ****** severity; ********* ********** ** ************** ** color ** ********** SOB increases; ** changes TheophyllineBronchodilitation*Therapeutic ******* ******** ******* ** *** ********** drug interactions **** *********** *** ************************* *********************** glaucoma Beta ********** ******** precautionscaution **** ******* ** *************** ** seizures Otitis externa *********** ***************** ********** ** ***************** pain ******* **** *** ****** ******* ******** ** chronic ****** externa?Usually PSEUDOMONAS External otitistopical ************* ************************* + corticosteroid*aminoglycoside * ************** **** in **** *********** ***** ********** **** antibiotic*antifungal (usually ****** or ********* ********** *** **************** otitis ************* ***** ***** ** 50% ** patients*severe ********* *** *********** *** ********* ******* OM ** skull ************ ******** hoarseness ******** ************ s/sxunwell pyrexia otalgia/discharge **** of ******* ** **** *** ************* bulging ********* ******* ************ ***** ************* pneumo ************ (20-30%)Mcat ************** ******** ********** ****** *** strep pneumo TX for AOMamox *** line *********** ** severe ** previous *** in last ******************* for PCN allergy BPPVbenign ********** ********** **************** to ** ****** ** **** floating ******* ****** ** the semicircular canal; pt ******* ******** ****** ******* and signals ********* *********** ******* and nausea sx ** BPPV?severe ******* ******* ***** ******** ******** ***** seconds ** *********** *** ********** ******************** ******************* rehab**self-limitingVestibular ******************************* ** ***** *** ***** likely viral) ***** ********* URI*Affects ********** portion ** ** ********** **** *** ********** neuritis?BPPV: **** ****** **** ***** any *** ******* ***** a URI s/sx ** vestibular ****************** ******* **** *** **** ********** possible hearing ******* ************** *** ** ******** *** vestibular ****************** ************ ******** ** ******* days*steroid acutely (pred ****** ************** anti emetics *************** *** ***** ************** ************ ********** disorder ********* **** ****** ************* ********* ***** in ******** ********** ********* *** ********* ***** ****** and ********** ******* vertigo Meniere's dx agesbt *********** ** Meniere'ssudden ******** of vertigo ********** **** ******** AND ********** ************* ******* ** ****** ************ ** **************** ************* for ********* ******** **** caffeine ETOHRest fluids ** **************** **** ********** ***** ****************** *********** * ************ ******************* ******* ************* *** *** ciliary ***** steamy cornea dilated ********** ****** *********** of *************** **** HA nausea ACG **** ****** ** **** **************** ********* and ************* ******** *** ****************** *** ACG?bed **** laser ********** iridotomy What to ** ** ***** hour before pt *** *** **** with ****** ********* ** high consider ******** lowering ***** and ******** **** ** ******* ************* ***** glaucoma 90% ** ******** ************** **** ****** in ****** more common ** ****** ******** ***** of *************** in OAG?up ** ************ ** ************* ***** ** early *** ******************* **** ** ********** *********** ***** head **** **** ********* *** ** disc ********** tx?Laser- *********************** possible ***** if ******** ******** for ***************** ******* and B-adrenergic antagonists **** ***** decrease ******* production *** ******** ************* of ************** fever (100-102) ***** 3-4 ****** ******* ***** *** ***** fatigue *** ******** (up ** *** weeks) extreme exhaustion Contraindications to *** ********* allergic ******** (anaphylaxis) after ******** **** ** ** * ******* ********* including egg protein Flu vax ************** ** severe ***** illness w/or w/o ******** ******** ***** ******** w/in 6 ***** ** ******** *** ******** should *** *** ***** flu ************ ******** * ***** ******* * ***** ** *** **** it ** *********** ********* *** ** the ***** *** ** ***************** ** precautions to **** vaccine*approved 2-49 Contraindications to nasal flu ******** 2over ****** **** aspirin *** **** ************* womenChildren * years ******* * ***** *** **** ****** ** *** have had * ******* ** ******** ** *** **** ** *************** ********** ***** ** **** ** ******** *** **** for ******** ***************** ppl *** ***** contact *** * ********** ******* ************** ****** (60-70% ** *** bacterial ********* ******** ****************** ********** chlamydia ********** adenovirus Most ****** ********** *** organismsstrep ****** mycoplasma pneumo ************** **** ******************* (cpneumoniae) *** resp viruses CAP ********* ** **** ************************* *** ********************* ********* ** ***** ***************** positive ******** ********* ** *************** ******* ***** ** *** in *** ***** *** *********** *** ******** in ******* ****************** ****** ******** ** majority ** cases ** PNA ** ***** ******* **** ** yrsmpnuemoniae Leading ***** of *** ** any ***** *** ********************* of ******** ********* HA ******** *** cough*appear **** *** **** ***** **** ********* ***** *** **** up to * wks *** ******* *** hacking cough CAP ******** xraysputum ******** **** ******* for *********** ** for ********** ******* *** with ** ************* therapy in last * months?MACROLIDE CAP ** *** *** **** ************** fluoroquinolone-or-B-lactam **** * macrolide Most ****** cause of ***************** ***** ***** adeno *************** ** *************** ****** ***** ****** fever odynophagia ******* ** ****** ******** enlarged tonsills ******** ******** **** palate ********* ******** ********** **** *********** *** ** **** ** ***** *********************** for pharyngitis?Pen V * *** *** or *** x10 ************ ** ********** ** *** ************** of epiglottitis?hflu ** ************* ** epiglottitis?SUDDEN ONSET severe *********** ********* fever SOBinability ** swallow ********** **** ********** drooling ******* resp *************** position to ************* ***** ** c *************** ***** *********** ****** by ********* ages for ********* **** incubation period *** *********** of monopharyngitis fever lymphadenopathy ******* ************ ********* ******** *** rash Labs *** ******* with diff- absolute ************************* **** atypical lymphocytes*mono **** (if *** ****** ** **** ********** ***** ** f/u with mono **** 1-2 weeks; ** ******* ****** ** ***** trauma ***** re-evaluated ******************** ******** ********** ********* adults)45-64 age group65-75 *** *********** ** American ********** ******** ***** years PE findings *** ******** ************ ** **** *** ***** ****** nasal patency turbinates ****** *** polyps ************ watery ***** ************* ***** and ******** ** ***** **************** ******** ***************** smears *** eosinophils *************** ********** ******** ***** *** ****** skin ******* *** ******************* rhinitis *********** ********* of ********* **************** ****************** line *** ******** to ****** ******** ************** ************** *************** *** ******** ************* *********** ******** **************** * **************** *************** ********* ********* ****** ******** *************** anaphylaxis angioedema urticaria ***** *** **** **** allergies When ** **** I **************** ********* occur<1 **** ***** exposure PPD ********** *********** *** ** ******* ** **** **** *** ********** changes ** **** ********** ** old TBPts **** organ *********** ** other **************** ************* ** pred>1 *********** ******** ** *** **** active ******* ********** *************** ********** (>5yrs) **** **** prevalent ********* ***** ****** ********************************** ********************* conditions *** **** >10% gastrectomy *** ***************** convertersAny child under 4 PPD ********** >/15mmALL ************** **** ** for ********** ********** rifapentin ************ ***** *** ***** ***** for * ***** then * drug ******* *** 18 ************** ******* ** ***************** ********** ********** **** ** ****** *** **** ****************** ******* ** ******** *** monthly while on- ** ** and 3x ***** **** ******* if ** **** ***** halt therapy) Adverse ******* ** ***************** ************* ******** ***** *** peripheral neuropathy **** ********* arthralgia ********************** ******* ** rifampin?Hepatotox ******* ************* ************* ****** BODY FLUIDS BECOME **************** TB **** to **** ****** ************* *** INHStreptomycin ********************** ********* ***** **** **** ca and non-small **** lung ******* *** of *** **** **** - early mets **************** *** ** *** **** ****************** ** ********* cell **** ** *** statsadenocarcinoma- **** COMMON *********** **** ************ **** ****** ************ ***** of ****** death *** **** *** *** women?lung Where **** lung ** ***************** ***** ***** ************ then liver ******* bone ****** brain New ***** of **** ** in ***************** **** ppl **** *** ** lung ca / ***************** ** **** ca?malaise **** **** fatigue wt **** ******** ****** clubbing ** ****** *** or change ** ***** ******** ******* ********** ***** ********** ca ********* requirementslow-dose CT ** ***** of ***** yr *** fairly good ****** ** ***** ** **** **** hx ** ******* *** ***** ******* ** **** **** w/in **** * ****** continue ****** **** *** ** ** **** ** ****** ** good ************** **** allergy symptomsskin: hives uticaria swelling ** ******* ** ****** ************** ****** wheezing ****** symptoms ******** ******** ******* *********** ****** ******** diarrhea ********* ********** ** **** ******* ****************** by *** fruits *** ******** happens **** ******** a ************* ** ******* ****** **** ****** ******* ***** ************ *** *********** of **** allergy **************** ***** some swelling ** ******* ** **** ******* ** ****** *** ** **** NOT *************