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South University NSG 5003 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 3 Assignment 1 South University NSG 5003 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 3 Assignment 1 South University NSG 5003 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 3

South University NSG 5003 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 3 Assignment 1

South University NSG 5003 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 3 Assignment 1

South University NSG 5003 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 3 Assignment 1

South University NSG 5003 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 3 Assignment 1

South University NSG 5003 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 3 Assignment 1

South University NSG 5003 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 3 Assignment 1

South University NSG 5003 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 3 Assignment 1

South University NSG 5003 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 3 Assignment 1

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************** * Assignment 1Jennifer ******** ************* ** ****** ********* ********** 3 Assignment 1According to *** **** ***** ********** ********** **** *** * ****** ******* ** ****** ****** ********** ****** passed **** **** she *** **** ***** *** ** ****** ****** *** has *** sisters Lisa and ******* Rachel *** a ***** bond **** **** ******* *** does *** **** any **** ** communication with ******* ****** **** ** *********** *** * ******* ******* *** since *** *** * ****** ******* ** ****** ****** *** *** offered * genetic test ** ******** *** ************** ** ****** cancer *** **** ** ********* **** her ******* *** the ******* **** **** *** *** ******* breast ****** * which ** ** ***** onset ******* **** ****** ** at high **** *** ****** *** ovarian ****** *** ****** *** the ********** ********** and responsibility ** protect *** promote public ********* ********* ******* Association 2017) *** ****** ** ****** ** ** *** ***** ***** ** ********** that Rachel ****** reach *** to Kristin and ****** her ** *** potential **** for ****** ******** * *** ********** ********** ******** I ***** *** try to ******* to ****** Kristin to ****** *** ** ********** ******** test result *** *** **** * **** To ****** ******* ***** ******* ********** ***** under *** Health Insurance Portability *** ************** *** ******* ***** ****** has a ***** ************ with **** I would ******* **** both ** the ********** ** ******* testing *** ***** *** ***** ***** * would ****** **** fact **** ** ***** ******* Kristin ** **** ***** ***** ***** thus *** can have *** *********** ** **** ************ care ** *** ******* *** *************** *** pathological process ********** **** breast cancerWhat role **** the BRCA1 gene ********** ** ******** the *********** ********** ***** ******** ****** ****** ********** during ***** ******* ******* breast **************** ********* ****** is ***** ************* by a change in skin ******* puckering ** ****** ******* **** *** nipple” ******* * * ****** * ***** ***** * ***** ****** cancer ******* originates ** *** ********** ** *** mammary ***** ********* carcinoma ** *** **** fills *** ******* ***** *** **** *** progress ** *** ***** tissue *********** ******** & Huether 2014) This ***** **** ***** ** * ********** ** ***** **** ** ******* ** *** ******* duct ** **** ***** *** carcinoma cells are still treatable *** fate ** these ***** *** ****** “remain ****** for a **** period of **** ******** to ******** *** ********** ******* ** ******* and disappear”(McCance ***** Huether ********* mutation is ** ********* alteration of ******* ******************* ***** ******* **** p136) Rachel’s ******* **** ****** ** ******** *** *** mutated ****** cancer gene BRCA *** *** **** *** a ****** ******* ** ****** ********* ******** risk ** * ***** * ****** **** *** will ******* breast cancer ******* *** is a ******* ** **** **************** ***** ******* **** ***** *** healthcare ******** *** assist *** ****** **** ******* for prophylactic treatment ** prevent ****** **** ********** ****** cancerDescribe and ******* *** **** ** the ***** *** breast ****** * early ***** ******* **** ** contribution ** * **** ****** *** breast ********** * *** **** * ** * ***** ********** **** ** *********** *** ************** *** ****** ****** **** The ******* ***** ******** ** * rapid *** ************* rate Rachel ****** ******** for *** **** * her ****** ** ********** ****** *** ******* ****** ** increased ********* to McCance ***** Huether * woman *** ******** the **** **** 1 and BRCA 2 *** a 50-80% ******* chance ** ***** ******** **** ********** ****** cancer ****** a ***** **** **** *** ***** **** ******* ******** ******** ************ **** ************ *** **** ******* *** ****** cancer *** ******** interventions ** preventive ****** ********** *** women *** *** Risk ******* ** ******** for ****** cancer include:1 A ****** history of ****** ****** **** ** a ****** ******* or ****** ***** *** diagnosis3 Women **** the *** ** *** ***** who started ************ ****** ***** *** undergone menopause ***** ** ***** ***** *** *** a first ********* ***** *** *** ** 307 Early *** ** **** ************** and/or ********* **** ********* alcohol ******* ******* cigarettes10 ******* replacement therapy11 Obesity(Chauhan ***** ***** ******************** ************ ** preventive health management for ***** *** *** ********* Early ******* ******* to identify ** *** ****** ** * ******* for the ******* gene BRCA 1 or **** ** ***** ********* ********* ** ********** ** ***** ** *** together3 Avoid ******* ********** or participate ** ******* ********** Consume a ******** meal **** includes ********** fiber ******* ************* and **** fats **** ** ***** **** Participate in ** ******** ******* ** lose ****** *** ******** * ******* weight *** ******* ******************************************** Medical ******************** **** of ******* *************** **** ********************************************************************** ** ******** ** Physicians & *** ****** ** *** **************** * Yadav * ***** ******* ************* ****** **** ******* According ** Menopausal ************ * Health ****** *** () ******************** ********************************************** * Huether ****** **************** The Biologic ***** *** Disease in ****** and ******** *** ******* [South *********** Retrieved **** *********************************************************************** * * ****** * ***** Jones A (2012)Fast ****** ****** ****** * ******************* ed ed) Abingdon: ****** Press ******* ********* **** **********************************************************************************

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