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Southwest Elementary School uses school buses supplied by companies A, B and C. The probability that the busses supplied by company A arrive on time...

Southwest Elementary School uses school buses supplied by companies A, B and C. The probability that the busses supplied by company A arrive on time is 0.965, the probability that the buses supplied by company B arrive on time is 0.94 and the probability that the buses supplied by company C is late is 0.07. Find the probability that14.) all the busses arrive on time (hint: this means bus A and bus B and bus C all arrive on time)15.) one of the buses arrives on time16.) none of the buses arrive on time17.) at least one of the buses arrive on time (this is the compliment to #16) 18.) two of the buses arrive on time19.) no more than one of the buses is late

Solutions14. P(A)= 0.965 P(A’)= 0.035, P(B)= 0.94 P(B’)= 0.06, P(C)= 0.93 P(C’)= 0.07Here X= Probability of Bus x coming in time. X’= Probability of bus x coming late.All buses arriving...
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