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State of the Union Report

Write on one of the following topics


1.    INFRASTRUCTURE    assigned to last names A through C

·         Roads & bridges

·         Water & waste

·         Rail (passenger & freight)

·         Air quality

·         Electric grid & internet

  The report should be 3-5 pages. The report is due in 30 hours from NOW!!

This is informal research.  There is not enough time for formal research.  So simply get on Google or any other search engine and look at numerous sources for each of the 5 aspects of your topic.  You will find a variety of sources ranging from opinionated blogs, to reports from major newspapers or magazines, to government reports and scholarly studies. You will find a range of views about each topic and about what, if anything, should be done.  In your reports, first report on the range of views or assessments of each aspect of the topic you are studying.  Then, state your overall assessment of the particular aspect of the State of the Union you are studying.  This is your assessment and should not be confused with the assessment of any US President.  

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