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Subject: Leading Strategic Change with Technology The pandemic beginning in 2020 caused major rifts in the world’s supply chains. Chapter 10 of the course text addresses technologies supporting logist
Subject: Leading Strategic Change with Technology
The pandemic beginning in 2020 caused major rifts in the world’s supply chains. Chapter 10 of the course text addresses technologies supporting logistics such as robotics, barcodes, QR codes, RFID, and drones. Select two of the technologies and research current uses of the technologies in supply chain management. Share your findings in the discussion and also address how businesses can more strategically use these technologies for competitive advantage.
Note: 300 words with intext citation with 2 references must needed.
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****** **** of *** ************ and ******** current **** ** the ************ ** supply ***** management 1 ********* ******** ********** ** **** in ****** ***** ********** ** automate ***** and ******* ********** ******** ********** *** ** **** *** tasks such as ******** ******** ********* and assembly2 ********* ******** *** **** ** supply ***** ********** ** track inventory *** shipments ******** *** be **** to ***** *** ******** of ***** ******* *** ****** chain and to ******** ***** for ******* *** ******** ** ****** ** ***** *** used ** supply ***** ********** ** ***** inventory *** ********* QR codes *** ** **** ** track *** ******** of ***** through the ****** chain *** ** ******** ***** *** picking *** ******** RFID: RFID technology ** **** ** ****** chain management ** ***** ********* and shipments **** tags *** be used to track *** movement ** ***** ******* *** ****** ***** *** ** ******** ***** for ******* *** ******** Drones: ****** *** **** ** supply ***** management ** ******* efficiency and reduce ***** Drones *** ** **** ** ******* ***** ** ********* and ** perform tasks **** as ********* ********** *** ***** ************ **** ******** in *** ********** ********* ******** ********** *** ** **** ** ****** ***** management ** ******** tasks *** improve ********** ******** ********** can ** used for ***** **** as ******** handling ********* *** ******** ******** ********** *** **** ** **** ** ********* *** ************ ******** *** ** load and unload trucks ********* ******** *** used ** ****** ***** ********** ** ***** ********* *** ********* ******** *** ** **** ** ***** *** movement of ***** ******* the ****** chain *** ** ******** ***** *** ******* *** packing Barcodes can **** ** used to ***** the ******** ** inventory *** ** ******* *** ******** ** ********* ********** ***** ***** Corsi 2004)QR ****** ** ***** are **** in ****** ***** ********** ** ***** inventory *** ********* ** ***** *** be **** ** track *** ******** ** goods through the ****** chain *** to identify ***** *** picking and ******* ** codes *** **** ** **** ** ***** *** ******** ** inventory *** to ******* *** progress of ********* ***** **** ********** ** **** ** supply ***** ********** ** ***** inventory *** ********* RFID tags *** ** **** ** ***** the movement ** ***** ******* *** supply ***** *** ** identify items *** ******* *** ******* RFID **** *** **** be **** to track *** ******** ** ********* and ** ******* *** progress of ************ ********** can **** ************* *** ***** technologies *** *********** advantageBusinesses *** *** robotics ********** ** ******** ***** *** ******* ********** Robotics ********** *** be used *** ***** **** ** ******** ******** ********* and assembly ******** technology *** also ** used ** ********* *** ************ ******** *** ** load *** ****** ****** ******** ***** ***** ***** ******** *** ** **** ** ****** ***** ********** ** track ********* *** ********* Barcodes *** ** used ** track *** movement ** goods through *** supply chain and ** ******** ***** *** ******* *** ******* ******** *** **** be **** ** ***** the ******** ** ********* *** ** monitor *** ******** ** *********** codes *** be **** in ****** ***** ********** to track inventory and ********* ** ***** *** be **** to ***** *** ******** ** ***** through *** ****** chain *** to ******** ***** *** ******* *** ******* QR ***** *** **** be **** ** track *** ******** ** inventory and ** monitor *** ******** of shipments **** ********** ** used in ****** ***** ********** ** ***** ********* *** ********* **** **** can ** **** ** track *** movement of ***** ******* *** supply ***** and to ******** items for picking *** ******* **** **** can **** ** **** ** track *** location of ********* *** to ******* *** ******** ** ********* (Prajogo & Sohal ************************************************************** D ***** ***** * (2013) Supply chain ************** * study of ************ *** ** technologies *** ****** *********************** ******* of ********** ***** ********** ******************* * A ***** * M & ***** T * (2004) ********* ** supply ***** technologiesTransportation ******* ****