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Suppose bits (0s or 1s) are being sent over a network in packets, where every packet has a fixed size of exactly 10 bits.

Suppose bits (0s or 1s) are being sent over a network in packets, where every packet has a fixedsize of exactly 10 bits. The last bit is not part of the message, but is a checksum bit, used toindicate whether the other bits were transmitted correctly. The last bit is set by the sender to 0if in the previous 9 bits there an even number of 1s, and the last bit is set to 1 if in the previous 9bits there is an odd number of 1s.a. True or false: the sender always sends a packet with an even number of bits set to 1.b. Explain how the receiver of the packet can use this scheme to determine whether it islikely that a bit was flipped during transmission.c. Is there any possibility that the receiver will get a corrupted packet, and yet won’t beable to tell that? Explain your answer carefully.

Solution 1: The amount of 1’s will sometimes be an even number and sometimes an oddnumber. So, the given statement is false.Solution 2: The receiver can count the amount of 1s in the packet,...
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