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Target:AnalyzehowARRAand theHITECHAct promote and regulate the use of HITAssess the benefits that widespread HIT may bring to the health care systemEvaluate legal and ethical issues associated with th

Target:AnalyzehowARRAand theHITECHAct promote and regulate the use of HITAssess the benefits that widespread HIT may bring to the health care systemEvaluate legal and ethical issues associated with the planning and delivery of health care servicesAll assignments must target the content application while using two variables: the job choice and the case assigned by the faultyDevelopstakeholders' (the ones you identified in assignment 4) communication plan outline (no more than 500 words) in the form of a Memo.-Propose the main and alternative communication channels; Be specific and practical.-List minimum one policy (list the full name) besides HIPAA that might set restrictions or specific requirements for the communication channelschosen and engagement with the stakeholders; make sure to remember the policies affecting digital and nondigital technological channels. -Propose subordination communication points for at least one linked or affiliated stakeholder(for example, the Administrative officer to the Attorney General and vice versa or the Communication Coordinator to the news program and news program director);-List two ethical considerations influencing the communication with this stakeholder. Be specific and applicable to this health care delivery managerial issues. Privacy is not a good choice as it is mandated and regulated. Cite and reference the resources as appropriate. Follow the appropriate Memo format and English grammar rules.TIPS: The communication plan is for you and your stakeholders. Make sure to pick the appropriate channels. Review and understand what the policies/acts/regulations you use are talking about. Do not rely on superficial or common sense knowledge. Seek primary sources. Make sure to remember that privacy and security are regulated in health information case. Do not use them in the ethical issue discussion.

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