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The ability to prepare cogent, succinct proposal is one of the most important managerial communications tools that the executive-leader can possess.

The ability to prepare cogent, succinct proposal is one of the most important managerial communications tools that the executive-leader can possess. In order to master this vital skill, you are being asked to prepare proposal (or recommendation for a proposed course of action or decision) of between 6 pages, exclusive of any charts or graphs and inclusive of any executive summary. Numerous formats exist, starting with Microsoft Office suites and the venerable OWL. Indeed, a simple Google search of formats yields impressive results. As this is a finance course, you are expected to include a budget and other useful fiscal modes and metrics to support your recommendations as well as demonstrate competency with Excel, a basic tool for finance. You should strive to demonstrate familiarity with financial management tools and analytics to support your recommendations, coupled with your narrative and charts or graphs. PPT slides may or may not be used, as you wish. There is no need to create an audio recorded PPT slides. Please dont recycle papers from other classes. 

The assignment context is as follows:

From your current or previous workplace, or from a workplace of you which have personal knowledge, select a challenge which has a direct bearing on the performance and/or efficiency of the organization

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