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The AICPA would like for you to deliver a speech at one of its upcoming conferences on the future of accounting information systems. From the first e-Activity, select one
Looking Back" Please respond to the following:
- The AICPA would like for you to deliver a speech at one of its upcoming conferences on the future of accounting information systems. From the first e-Activity, select one conference and formulate the takeaway message and key points that you would want your audience to remember from your speech.
- After delivering your speech, you have been approached by representatives from Oracle (Oracle Financials) and Microsoft (Microsoft Dynamics) regarding your key points. From the second e-Activity, evaluate how your message can be used to enhance their product line and vision.
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******** ***** Please respond ** *** ************* ***** would like for you ** ******* * speech at *** ** *** ******** conferences ** the ****** ** accounting *********** ******* **** *** first e-Activity ****** *** conference *** ********* *** ******** ******* *** key points **** *** ***** want **** audience ** ******** from **** speechI chose *** EDGE ********** **** ** *** ***** **** ************ role ***** **** ***** for the ****** *** how ** ***** *** gap with *** leadership and ************* ****** technical ******** ******** career *********** *** so **** more From ********** **** ****** ********** *** interpersonal ************** ** ********* *** ********** ******** and **** *** ****** ** *** *** ********** ******** ******** **** ** ***** ** ** a ******** ************ *** *** ** ***** ***** ****** your ************* ****** **** ***** on ********* ********** ************* It's hardly * ********* ******* Communicating *********** ** a ******* tenet of ********** ******* ********** ****** * ****** ******* ** ******* ********** ** executives and ******** ********** **** ******* ** ***** ****** ********* ***** ************* skills ** ******** **************** ******** ***** *** **** communication best ********* **** **** *** ********** ** successful ******* **************** ************ Projects ***** fail ******* ************ are ****** ******* by ********** stakeholders ***** ** * ****** ******** method ** ****** ***** ************ *** of **** **** ******* **************** ***** **** *** ******* ** ******** empathy *** support Project ******** *** managers **** ** ******* that *** ******** ***** ****** -- *** all ** which ** welcome ***** **** parties **** ******* **** ***** ****** others **** face loss ** ********* *** ********* In concert with ********* ******* ******** *** ******** should ****** a **** to ******** *** ********* ********** the ********* *** **** *** ********** as painless ** ******** ***** ***** ** *** ********* ******* If *** *********** ******* interest *** ******* most ******* customers **** respond ***************** ********* ************ Many ******* participants rued the **** **** they ***** ******* *********** ***** ******* ****** *** **** when ******** ******* *** *** When ************* ***** ****** *** process ***** ************ into finger-pointing *** end result: * **** of ***** *** * ******** ** shoot *** **************** a communication campaign My experience ***** that ***** ** a ****** of communication at *** beginning ** * ******* **** ***** ** * *** ** ********** about ***** something *** **** members **** ******** **** banners *** ******** ********** *** ****** *** **** **** become too **** to ****** ******** or celebrate milestones *** ******* boredom ******** *** **** **** of activity happens ****** ******* *********** end ***** are ******** ** *** new ******* **** only * few ***** ****** and **** chaosBut ********** ******** *** ******* managers ****** * different route **** ******* a ************* ************* **** early and **** a concerted ****** ** **** ************ informed *** ******* ** well-defined intervals *** ********** ************* plan ****** **** an easy ******** loop where the ******* constituents *** provide ***** ******* ******* ******* ************ delivering your ****** you **** **** ********** by *************** **** ****** ******* Financials) *** Microsoft ********** ********* ********* your *** ****** **** *** ****** ********** ******** *** your ******* *** be **** ** enhance ***** product **** *** visionCommunication ** about sending *** right ******** ** the ***** ****** ** *** ***** *** *** **** ******* ******** *** ********** **** effective ************** ** ************ ** *** most ******* ******* ****** ** ******* management ******** ******** ************** can **** projects ****** **** ****** *** ****** in the ***** *********