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The manager of the O'Brian Glass Company is planning production of the automobile windshields for the next four months. The demand for the next four...

The manager of the O'Brian Glass Company is planning production of the automobile windshields for the next four months. The demand for the next four months is projected to be as shown:Demand for windshields130140260120O'Brian can normally produce 100 windshields in a month. This is done during regular production hours at a cost of $100 per windshield. If demand in any one month cannot be satisfied by regular production, the manager has 3 other choices.1.) He can produce up to 50 more windshields per month in overtime but at a cost of $130 per windshield.2.) He can purchase a limited quantity from a competitor for resale at a cost of $150 each (the maximum number of outside purchases over the 4-month period is 450 windshields).3.) He can fill the demand from his on-hand inventory. The inventory carrying cost is $10 per windshield per month. Back orders are not permitted. Inventory on hand at the beginning of the month is 1 is 40 windshields. Set up and solve this 'production smoothing' problem as a transportation model to minimize cost. Hint, set the various supply options as nodes and monthly demands as demand nodes.Please help. I'm stuggling with trying to set this up in excel.

The manager of the O'Brian Glass Company is planning production of the automobile windshields for thenext four months. The demand for the next four months is projected to be as shown:Month Demand...
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