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The paper is attached!!! The field that is being referred to is based on the paper. For the written portion, you will write on any of the primary articles. I am expecting everyone to turn in a three (

The paper is attached!!! The field that is being referred to is based on the paper.

For the written portion, you will write on any of the primary articles. I am expecting everyone to turn in a three (3) page document that includes the following:

1) A few sentences that explain the current understanding of the field --  concise but information-packed -- What do we know?

2) A transition paragraph explaining the gaps in knowledge that remain unanswered -- What do we want to know?

3) A section outlining one (1) aim and some proposed experiments that can help answer the field's questions.

 - An aim is defined as the desired outcome -  What do you want to achieve from your proposed experiments? This could be understanding how a drug interacts with a certain type of cell, or if a certain treatment causes a specific type of damage. We will talk more about this in class tomorrow.

4) Impact statement -- why are your proposed experiments important? Will the results of this study save lives/or change the field forever?

5) Citations -- APA format! You can use a citation manager for this (I use Microsoft EndNote, but works just as well)

       Think about the language that scientists use when they are writing papers -- how do scientists speak about what they've done? How do they speak about future experiments? I have attached an example of my old writing so that you have a template to work with. Remember, I'm not expecting you to get a Nobel prize, I just want you to try to write like a scientist. Give it your best effort, and don't be afraid to ask for help! :)

For this portion of the final project, you will be graded based on the following:

  • Content (25 points) - Concise and complete body of work vs "word salad"
  • Grammar (25 points) - Complete sentences, good transitions, no typos
  • Science (25 points) - Are your proposed experiments feasible? Do you understand what the results of your proposed experiments would mean? What would the proposed experiments add to the study?
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************** NameCourseDateWee1 kinase ********* **************** ********** ****** ********* ********* induces ********* ** acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells *** enhances *** efficacy of *********** ********* ************** ** *** Notch ********************* ******** ************* ** *** field)Cancer ****** **** ***** ** *** body increase uncontrollably There *** several ***** of ****** ********* ***** *** ******* ** practically *** region of *** **** ********* are ************ that begin in ***** that typically divide *** ************* into ******* ***** ** blood ***** Most ********* ********* ** leucocyteprecursors although **** ***** ** ***** ***** ****** ******** ******** ******** is characterized ** ******* ********** or gradually ********** ***** ******** ****** ** monocyte ** lymphatic ****** ***** lymphocytic ******** (ALL) ** * **** ** ******** known ** ***** lymphoblastic ******** *** term ******* ****** ** ******** that may spread ******* and ** **** untreated is ****** ** be **** ***** * ****** ** ***** ************* ****** to ** ******* **** *** fully ********* *********** ****************** ** * micro ********* component **** inhibitor **** is ******** and ********* Various ******* ********* ** increase *** *************** ********* **************** ***** carboplatin and ********* ** ************* ********* ***** ************ is * frequent treatment ****** *** * wide ***** of solid ******* 4 **** ** ********* in *********** *** **** checkpoint and *** *** ********* ********* ********* ******* ** regulates *** *************** ** ****** ** *** **** ***** ****** **** ***** ******** ***** **** ********** *** **** shown ** ******* ******* *********** ** ******* *********** ******** *** **** ********** ************ improving **** *********** ** *** Cytotoxic ****** **** inhibition has **** been shown ** ******* ************* susceptibility ** ********** ****** ******** ** DNA ************ is ********** as an anthracycline * **** ** chemotherapy ********** ** ******** the development ** ********* ***** ** ********** *** activity ** ** ****** ***** ** ************* * * **** ****** ** ******** *** *** ******** *** ****** ** cancer ***** ** ***** by ********** ************* ** ***** ********* *** following ************* ******** ************* ** *** DNA ************* **** ** a ****** limiting *** *********** *********** is ** *********** drug 3 ***** signaling is * *************** ******* that **** *** ******* any ********* ********* ** * ********* ** ****** ********* *** **** ** & Xiao ***** ******* "Jagged" *** "Delta" ********* ****** on a ****** cell *** connect **** ***** transmembrane ********* on * *********** **** ***** ********* helps ************* ** **** efficient3 *** suppress **** ****** ** ******** growth ****** in the **** ***** *** **** death ** *** ******** of *** ******** Furthermore *** administration ************* ********* *** expression *** ******* activation ********* ** ********* ************* ********* signaling *** **** ***** 2 Wee1 regulates *********** *** *************** *** chromosome ********* ** is ******** *** ****** cell ************* Wee1 is * ** KD ******* *********** **** belongs ** *** Ser/Thr family ** ********* pathways ******** ********* **** ******* ********** (the Gap)It ** identified **** *** Wee1 ********* **** ******* ********* of *** **** ALL *** ******** the ******** of *** the downregulation ** *** ******* ******** the ***** ******* ******* **** ************** ******* **** ****** ********** the ********** ** ***** the *** ****** ********* ******* ******* *** **** ***** of ALL ***** Another *** **** ****** when ADM ** **** ** there are any ******* ** *** **************** agent on the Notch ********** hence ** ******** ** *** ** ***** ********* ** ******** to ********* whether ***** *** *********** ******* ** *** ****** ****** ******** *** **** ** *** ***** signaling ******* *** the ******** ** **** ****** ********* ********* ** brought ** concerning *** ** *** ********* ** ALL ****** ******** ** **** ** ******** the mutations **** ***** with *** ***** * receptor ** Notch ********* ** essential *** ***** *** progression ** *** ************* *** ********** ** the ******* is crucial ** *** determination ** inhibition ** ALL cell proliferationSpecific *********** lymphoblastic ******** ***** ** ** aggressive hematopoietic ****** **** affects ******** *** adult ******** ********* oncogenic potential ** being ************ ** ******* ******** alone and ******** with the ********** ADM ********* ** ********* *** cells ***** treatment **** ******* ***** isrelated ** unexpected ******* initiation *** ********* ***** ******* expression MK-1775 ************ ************* activity **** is * **** **** ***** ******* kinase that ******** ******** ************* *** ****** ********* ** ** ******** *** ******* **** ****** and *********** ** ****** years ** *** **** ***** **** MK-1775 * specific antagonist ** Wee1 *** trigger **** ***** ** ********* ***** ** ********** *** G2/M ***** ** antagonist ** *** Wee1 ******* MK-1775 *** ***** ******** ***** activity ** ******** ******* ******** *** ******* ********** ** *** ***** ******* ************* *** specific mechanism ** ********* by Wee Kinase inhibitor MK-1775 ** ******** in *** whole ******* ** *** controlThe ******* objective ** ** ****** *** mechanism ** which *** *** ****** ********* ******* ******* ALL ****** **** ***** ******* ** *** *********** ** *** **** ******** **** **** **** ADM ********* ******* *** *** Our central ********** ** **** ******* caused ********* activity ** cells *** ******** *********** ******* ******** ************* ****** ********** of the Notch ****** ***** other ********** Based on our ********** ******* ******* the ****** ***** resultsin the induction ** **** ***** shown ** the ********* ** ****** *** an ******** transcriptional ************ ********** *** ** determine ******** ********* *** *********** efficacy in ********* induction ** **** ****** ********* ********* and *** In ALL **** ********* *********** **** ** Wee1 ****** ********* MK‑1775 apoptosis induction ** *** enhancement ** *********** ** the downregulation ** *** ***** pathway ** ********** **** *** ********* or therapeutic ********** *** ** to ********* if **** kinase inhibitor ********* ********* ********* ** the *********** ** doxorubicin ** *** ************** of *** ***** ******* ** ********** with *** mutations ** therapeutic effectsWe *********** that ** **** kinase ********* ********* ********* ********* ** *** enhancement of doxorubicin ** *** downregulation ** *** notch ******* ** ********** **** *** ********* or *********** ********* **** detect ** ***** are ****** or ********** ** DNA using the ***** ***** method ***** was **** by *** ******* manual ********* cell ********** lysis on **** **** * microscope ***** is ********* ** * nutshell *** *************** ********* **** ** ********* *** ****** ******* *** the ****** *** ************ mounted and allowed ** *** naturally *** ****** **** ************ stained **** cyber ***** and examined *** **** *********** ******** *** *** ******* * ************** ****** *** DNA ****** ** determined by *** ******** ********* and ******* ** *** ************ *************** cell ******* ********** *** *********** ********** Wee inhibitor MK-1775 **** ** ********* ** DMSO *** added to ***** with the ***** ************** we will **** this **** ***** ** ******* ********** *** growth *** cell ********* ** will ***** ***** **** ******* *** *********** or ******* them **** *********** ** * ***** ***** ***** **** ** **** *** *** *********** hours For *** ** vivo study *** ***** ******** **** ** ***** to ******** ***** ** will ****** them to ****** together **** *********** *** 18 hours We will ******* *** ****** fragments *** ********** ******* *** western blot ****************** two: ** ********* how ********** ** the ***** pathway ** ******* out during *** ALL **** ******* ********** ** *** *********** ** **** ****** ********* MK‑1775 and ADMWe hypothesize **** *** ***** ********* involved ** NOTCH signaling ********** ******* ALL **** ********** ********* this hypothesis *** ******** **** ******* *********** ** ***** **** **** one ******* ** ***** ******* ** MK-1775 *** ** hours ** investigate *** ********* ** ******* ** the cell ***** ********** ** ALL ********* done invitro ********** the ***** *** staining **** **** ** will be **** **** ** *** test ** ********** the **** cycle Impact *** treatment of ALL ** ******** *** understanding ** ***** are any **** ******* ******** **** *** **** ********* **** ** apoptosis ********* and *** in ***** ******* ********** **** ************* the ********** ** *** ******* ********* ******** *** best **** *** *** treatment ************* both ***** scientific approaches is ******* ** developing the best ******* for ******************** **** * **** * Nie * ** ** Wee1 kinase ********* ********* ******* ********* ** ***** ************* ******** ***** and ******** *** efficacy ** doxorubicin ********* ************** ** Notch pathwayOncol **** **** doi:103892/ol201892912 ******** * *** * **** * Ye * **** * **************** ***** doxorubicin ****** ******* gene ********** ** ******** ** ******** ** ************** CD-1 ***** *********** Reprod 2018;100(4):869-871 ************************* *** * ** L ** * ** ** *********** ********* *** ***** ********* pathway ** osteosarcomaOncol **** ******************* ********************** ***** J Pear W ******** * ***** ********* in ************** ****** ** Pathology: ********** ** ******* 2008;3(1):587-613 doi:101146/annurevpathmechdis31218061543005 Terwilliger T ********* * Acute ************* ********* * ************* ****** and **** *********** ****** * ******************* ******************************************** * *** * **** * ** X ***** **** * ****** **************** ***** *********** ****** ******* **** expression ** ******** ** estrogen ** ************** **** ***** ************** ** ****************** ******* doi: 101093/boiler/ioy259Aster * Pear * ***** ******** S (2008) ***** ********* in ************** ****** ** ********** Mechanisms ** *********** 587-613 **** ****************************************** * **** X Nie * Li P Lu F ** * ***** ** * ****** **** ****** inhibitor ********* ******* ********* ** ***** lymphoblastic ******** cells *** ******** *** ******** of doxorubicin ********* ************** ** *** ***** *************** ******* doi: 103892/ol20189291MEI H ** L JI P **** * **** * ***** *** * ** al ****** *********** ********* the ***** ********* ******* ** ******************** *********** ********* **** **************************** T ***** ********* M (2017) ***** ************* ********* a ************* ****** and 2017 updateBlood ****** *********** e577-e577 doi: ****************************************************************

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