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The topic For this Assignment is the Health Belief Model! INSTRUCTIONS: With these projects, you get the chance to show about how health psychology is part of our everyday life. For this submission,

The topic For this Assignment is the Health Belief Model!


 With these projects, you get the chance to show about how health psychology is part of our everyday life. For this submission, choose only one theory/concept from these specific chapters: Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, OR 5 & 6

Your task for each of this papers is to 1) describe a health psychological theory or concept from our textbook of interest to you, and 2) write a short, in-depth response applying this theory/concept to a real-life example involving either yourself, a friend or family member, or a broader social situation.

Each project submission will be worth 100 points, and must include these two components:

Section 1 (40 points): Explain any one health-related biopsychosocial theory/concept only from our textbook, in detail, in your own words!

In one paragraph (at least 8-10 sentences), describe the theory/concept in plain language (i.e. imagine explaining it to someone who knows nothing about psychology).

Your explanation of the concepts must be written in your own words in order to receive credit (i.e. it cannot be directly copied from any source, including our textbook).

When describing the concepts of your choosing, ensure you also speak about their importance to the field of health psychology.

Section 2 (60 points): Thoughtfully and accurately relate the health-related biopsychosocial theory/concept to your Self and/or life situations.

In a single paragraph (at least 8-10 sentences), apply this theory/concept directly to a real-world example involving either yourself, friends or family, or a broader social situation.

If you choose to speak about a friend or family member, you must get their permission, and keep your writing anonymous.

Some aspects to consider are: Why is that theory/concept important in explaining our thoughts/emotions/behaviors toward health? How does that theory/concept illuminate new perspectives on daily health decisions? How does that theory/concept relate to the past, present, and/or future of health and healthcare?

PRO TIP: Though not required for this assignment, it may be helpful to consider how the theory/concept you chose is linked to broader psychological theories, and how they affect your life.

Only for this section are you allowed to cite outside sources to which you are applying the theory/concept. If you choose to apply your theory/concept to an outside source (e.g., a news article, a scientific article, a website, etc.), you must cite your source(s) both in-text, and in a References page, APA-style.

Your Paper itself must be formatted in APA Style as such:

Times New Roman, 12-point Font, Double-spaced, 1-inch margins

On TITLE page: Assignment Title (bold), Your Name, the Course Number & Section, My Name, and the Date the paper should be centered-aligned, in that order.

Subsequent pages should use APA-style headers (bold) to denote sections.

2 PAGES OF SUBSTANCE MAX (excluding a References page)! You don’t have much space, so make your thoughts concise, and accurate. Don’t BS! You should be writing & editing at your best!

For Section 2: Any source(s) must be cited in APA-style, must be cited in-text, and also must be included in the References at the end of the paper. UCM’s Library has great advice on proper APA formatting.

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