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This is an assignment I am working on. I do not need any assistance with the first question, and I do not intend

This is an assignment I am working on. I do not need any assistance with the first question, and I do not intend

to have the answers completed more me outright. My intention isn't to plagiarize but I want to make sure I am on the right track.

For question 2, am I right by assuming I would run a paired t-test? I have a lot of trouble deciding which is the correct test to run. I think I am okay to do question 3 and I am really stuck for which type of test I would run for the final question. is the primary face of the Ontario Online Learning Consortium (OOLC), a not-for-profit corporation whose membership is composed of all publicly-funded colleges and universities in Ontario. Funding for OOLC and the eCampusOntario initiative comes from the Government of Ontario. was created in 2015 as a portal for learners to find mostly online courses—through browsing, searching by keyword, or filtering by institution and delivery format. Course details include links to information about scheduling, tuition and fees, instructors, and information about how to get registered and to seek credit transfer. Previously identified course equivalencies are also listed where available. In addition, students can search based on a specific course they need credit for to find available online options at other institutions.

Aiming to improve its services, eCampusOntario has selected a sample of 33 nursing, 33 business and 33 education students who intend to use eCampusOntario website to search and register for e-courses. The sampled students were asked to indicate their overall satisfaction of eCampusOntario portal prior to registration for any courses (stage 1) and after registration (stage 2). The following information is available for each respondent:

Age of the respondents

Gender (1=male and 2=female)

Student satisfaction of stage 1 (a continuous number that ranges from 0 (extremely dissatisfied) to 5 (extremely satisfied))

Student satisfaction of stage 2 (a continuous number that ranges from 0 (extremely dissatisfied) to 5 (extremely satisfied))

* Assume the collected data has normal distribution

eCampusOntario would like to know the following based on the two samples:

  1. Conduct a descriptive analysis of the sample focusing on the business stream, by focusing on measures of central location and variance for two different variables, also use two different types of graphs to describe the data (e.g., age, or, age and student satisfaction of stage 1) (15%)
  2. Some eCampusOntario employees believe more information is provided to business students during stage 1 (pre registration) as opposed to stage 2 (post registration). Are there evidence to suggest there are significant differences between the business student's satisfactions of the two stages. (30%)
  3. Estimate the difference between business student satisfaction during stage 1 and 2 with 95% confidence. Interpret the results. (20%)
  4. eCampusOntario would also like to know if differences exist between student satisfaction of nursing, business and education during stage 2. Assume variable have equal variance. (30%)

Assume significance level of .05 when needed.

Hint: pay attention to the experimental design; are the samples independent or paired?


- Answer each questions on a separate Excel Sheet using Data Analysis and Data Analysis Plus or XLSTAT.

- Analysis: State your chosen method of analysis; present the test results in tables (Make sure to present the complete Excel output (Table) for each of the questions). Note: If the question involves hypothesis testing present the hypothesis

-Discussion: For each question briefly discus the findings of the study, what do they mean? how can they help in decision making?

- Presentation: Be noted that 5% of your mark goes to the presentation of the results (style and structure)

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