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This week’s readings discuss how public institutions, spaces, and concerns shape visions of (proper) intimate life. For this week’s forum, answerone or bothof the following questions using specific ex

This week’s readings discuss how public institutions, spaces, and concerns shape visions of (proper) intimate life. For this week’s forum, answerone or bothof the following questions using specific examples from the readings:How are alternative or non-normative visions of intimacy renegotiating, challenging, or “rewriting” dominant visions of “intelligible” intimacy.How do emerging or “atypical” spaces of intimacy — dating apps, sex work and transactional intimacy, etc. — reveal the complexities and contours or intimacy? How do they compare to or reshape conventional lessons on how intimacy “should” work.You should give specific examples fromat least twoclass readings:At least one (1) example should be from theWeek 3readingsThe second example can be fromany readings for the class so farIn addition to these two examples, you may also include additional examples from your own observations or from other readings.You must properlycite the readingsto receive full credit. Citations should look like this: (Garcia 61) or (Garcia 2012: 61), for example. If you are paraphrasing a very general idea in the reading, you do not need to include a page number. However, direct quotes always require citations, and paraphrases of very specific ideas should have citations as well. (Paraphrases can be harder to know when to cite, so being extra cautious may help take off some of the stress.)

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