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This week we begin the process of collaborating on the dilemma facing Easy Wheels (project 2 found in week seven content area). We will collaborate using the Six Hats technique as a tool help make bot

This week we begin the process of collaborating on the dilemma facing Easy Wheels (project 2 found in week seven content area). We will collaborate using the Six Hats technique as a tool help make both group and individual strategic plan decisions. Please review the following explanations of the system to get a sound idea of how it works Paul Sloane on Explaining the Six Hats Tool; Six Hats ; Value Management HMTL Six Hats . The goal of the collaboration exercise is for you to interact with your classmates to come up with concrete ideas to make the best leadership decision for Easy Wheels.

This week's discussion will center around the first steps in the process wearing the Red Hat of Feelings and the Blue Hat of Control. Faculty will be the Blue Hat facilitator and when the Blue Hat is on everyone will follow the lead of the instructor.

MAIN RULE: WHEN WEARING THE COLOR HAT NO OTHER DISCUSSION FOCUS IS ALLOWED. (e.g. If wearing the yellow hat only good things may be discussed about the idea).

Once you have made your initial post read those of you classmates and give them constructive feedback according to the process. Be sure that the feedback is constructive and that you are actually collaborating with them to come up with the best decision statement possible.  You are expected to connect with as many classmates as much as possible. Discussion with them should be about the reasoning behind the statement they have chosen and how the process was applied to bring them to this reasoning. Use of class material and additional research to support your work is mandatory, as well as in text citations and a reference list .

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