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To what extent does a rigorous Corporate Social Responsibility policy lead to a company being ethical? Support your answer with reference to two companies. There are two parts of the essay I need to p
To what extent does a rigorous Corporate Social Responsibility policy lead to a company being ethical? Support your answer with reference to two companies.
There are two parts of the essay I need to provide Part1 : The writer need to show plan for overall structure of essay with list 5 sources which will be useful in answering your essay question, and are suitable for academic use. Make sure your references are ordered alphabetically and use the format provided. Part 2 : Note how you found the source, then complete the source evaluation and overview of useful points from the text for three sources. Summarise and paraphrase key information in the text in order to demonstrate that you have understood the sources.
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** **** ****** **** a ******** ********* Social ************** ****** **** ** * ******* Being ******** ******* **** Answer with Reference ** *** ************************ ***************** ****************************** ****************** What ****** **** a ******** ********* ****** Responsibility Policy Lead ** * ******* ***** ******** ******* **** ****** **** ********* to *** Companies Corporate Social ************** (CSR) ******* a ********* ********** ** ******* ******** operations *********** ********* *** ******** The concept ********* ******* *********** *** ****** ** ******** ********** ** *** *********** and ******* while ******** to initiate a positive difference This ******* explores *** ****** ** which a ******** Corporate ****** ************** (CSR) ****** ***** * ******* ** be ******* * 2016 **** ******** ** ******* Singh *** Preetinder **** ***** **** * ******* becomes ********* of the type ** ****** ** ******* aspects ** ******* such as ************* ****** *** economic ** ************ * vigorous ********* Social ************** ****** *** ******* ********* ******* is *** ** *** ******** ************** **** **** adopted * vigorous ********* ****** ************** ****** ** *** ***** **** ******* *** embedded a sustainability ********* known ** **** Positively **** *** *** ******* from ********** *** ********* to ************ ********* ******* has also ******* international corporate ****** ************** guidelines ********* *** ******* and ****** ********* ****** ******* and ******** ******* In **** ****** * ******** ********* ****** ************** ***** ****** **** to * ******* ***** ******* ** ************ *** integration ** ******* ********* social ************** ********** **** *** ******* *** ******** operations **** ** ensuring ************ *** accountability ******** *********** ********** commitment *** ********** *** ****** impactBackground: *** ************ of * ******** ********* ****** Responsibility ***** ****** Corporate Social ************** ** * ******* ******** ** embrace ************** *** * ******** ************** ******* *** ******* a ******** ****** ** ************ *** *********** communities and ********* ** **** regard a ******** ********* ****** ************** ****** *** **** aims *** purposes ****** * ******* **** ****** ***** ***** ** organization to focus ****** profit ********** and prioritize *** environmental social *** ******* ****** ** *** ******** ********** ********* *** ****** introduces an obligation ** ****** ******* intensify *** ******* the benefit of social ****** *** ************ According to Tai *** Chuang ***** ***** ********* ****** ************** entails * ********* ** ********** ********* policies *** ********* ******** *********** ** ******* *** employees *** ************ *** *** ********* These ******** **** that one ** the purposes ** * ******** ****** ** ** encourage companies to ******* *** ****** ******* practices ** *** ***** ******** operations *** example *** *** ****** (121) established that a ********* ****** ************** policy discourages ********* **** as bribing or unlawfully ******* **** money ** gain *********** ********** or make ***** ******* ***** *** **** business ****** *** ***** *** ** * Corporate ****** ************** ****** is to ******* *********** engagement * ******** policy leads ** ************ ** foster ******** ************ with *** stakeholders such ** ********* ********* the community ********* *** ********* ********* * robust ********* ****** Responsibility policy ********** the essential principles ** ******* business **************** ************ and ************** * ******** ********* ****** ************** policy ***** ** ************ ******* ** reinforcing *** *********** *** implementation ** ************ *** ************** into *** ******** ********** *** ******* ******* a ****** Corporate ****** ************** policy leads * company to ********* and implement the ******* ** ************ and ************** in its business ********** These ******** *** ********* ********** ** ********* ****** Responsibility **** mandate ******** ************* to ******** *** ****** *** ****** of ***** ********** Epstein (2018 *** ***** **** the ************ *** ******** ************* **** **** **** ** consider *** impacts ** their activities ** ******* *** usually *********** ********* * ******** ****** makes * company ******* ** ******** ** ******* open ***** *** ******* *** ***** overall ****** ** ******* *** policy **** ***** * ******** organization ******* ** report *** be **** *********** *** its ********** *********** and ******** A vigorous ********* ****** ************** ****** ********* ******* * ******* communicates its Corporate ****** ************** *************** *** ********** ************* *** ******* accountable for its ******* ******* *** ******** ************* ** ** ******* ********* ******* ********* *** ********** of ************ and ************** ** ***** ******** ********** by ******** mechanisms *** monitoring ********* *** reporting ** their Corporate Social ************** ******** *** progress *** example *** ********* ******* ** *** ** *** ******** ************* **** * ****** ********* ****** ************** policy *** ********* ********* Social ************** policy **** Positively has ******* ***** core ***** ***** *** ************ **** ********** ***** ** ******* business ************** *** ****** its social ******** (Singh *** Kaur **** ***** **** policy has *** Coca-Cola ** ********* ************ *** accountability ** *** **** ** ******** *** culture ***** **** *** ******* publishes * ****** ****** **** ********* ******* ****** Report" **** ********* *** ********* Social Responsibility *********** *** ******* *********** ** ********* development ********* the ********* ****** ****** *** led ** ** ****** ************ *** ************** ** *** business ********** ***************** *********** ********** *********** * ******** Corporate ****** Responsibility ****** ******* the *********** of *********** ********** ** ******** ********* and ********* *********** ********** ** *** ** *** ***** principles ** ********* ****** ************** Crane et ** (2014 **** ***** **** ********* Social ************** ******* *********** ********* ********* and ******* among internal *** ******** ************ Ethical ******** ******** *********** all stakeholders *** ***** ********* * ****** ********* ****** ************** ****** **** ****** * ******* ** engage multiple ************ including ************* ********* customers *** community *** suppliers **** ********** ***** ******* overall accountability ** *********** stakeholder network responsibilities **** *** ******** ********* ********** *** ************ **** **** ** improve how **** practice *** *** ***** ************* ** **** relationship ********** and ********* 2014 ***** ** * ****** * vigorous ****** ******* *********** ********** ****** ***** business interactions ** ******* ********** ************* and ******** ***** ** these ******** * rigorous ****** ****** decision-makers ** * company **** ******** *** ********** ********* ****** Responsibility stakeholder ********** and ********** strategies For example ******* issues *** *********** ************* ** regulate ********* ***** *** ********* globally concerning product ******* ******* ********** for the ********* suppliers *** ethical ******* (Singh and **** 2016 ***** The ******* **** seeks *** ****** *** stakeholders' feedback ** ensure **** *** ******* and invested in the ******** ********* ****** Corporate Social ************** ****** * ******* ** value ************ and **** ******** to ****** *** ******** operations **** ***** needs *** ************ **** * ********* *** make *** business ************* ******* ***** ******** ************ is a vital ********* of business **************** *** ********** Additionally the ****** ensures **** * company integrates and implements ********** *** compliance ** *** ******* *** business ******* A ******** Corporate ****** ************** ****** ** ************ to commit to ******* ******** ********** and *********** ********* As * result *** policy guarantees ******* ******** ** ethical ****** and directs the ************ ** ********* **** into its ******** ********** and ******* A vigorous ****** ***** ******** ******** ** recognize **** ************ ******** ****** ** ********** ****** a company ******* ** ******** *** *************** *********** standards (Epstein 2018) ***** on ***** ******** * ********** ********** ** ******* ****** *** ********* to *********** ********* are *** *********** ** ******* ******** ********* * robust ********* ****** ************** ****** ensures **** a ******* ******* ******* ********** and *********** ************** ********* in *** actions * ******** ****** **** outlines *** ********* ******* ****** ********* ********** *** ********** **** sustainability ********** The ******** of vigorous Corporate ****** Responsibility ********** **** *** Company ******* to *** ******* ********* of ******* *** sustainable ********* *** ******* *** ********* ******* *** ********** ************* Corporate ****** Responsibility ********** **** *** **** of ******** **** as *** ******* *** ****** ********* ****** and **** **** ***** The ******* **** cross-references the United Nations Global ******* ********** ** *** annual ************** ******* The other ********* ethical ******** implemented ** ********* ** Ruggie's ********* These guidelines **** **** ******* ** *** ************** ***** ****** ********* Therefore Coca-Cola's robust ********* ****** ************** policy *** ****** ** ** ******* *********** standards ** ****** ******* *** Company ** ** ************* ****** ******* ****** impact ** ******* ***** principle of ********* ****** ************** * ******** ********* Social ************** leads a ******* ** ** ethical by shaping a culture **** *********** ******* that ******* ******* *** policy ****** *** ******** to ******* * ******* commitment ** ********** * ******** ****** ** ******* *** ******* * ****** ******** ** ********* Social Responsibility ******* * company ** engage in ********** that ****** ****** ********* ******* ********* *********** uphold ***** rights *** ******* **** ***** practices ***** ** al ***** **** *********** **** **** Corporate ****** Responsibility ******** ***** **** ******** externalities including *** ********** of human ****** violations ** the ********* calculating the ****** *** ******** ******* ** downsizing minimizing carbon ********* or ******** *** ****** ******* ** toxic ********** ** ********* ********* products Based ** ***** ******** * ******** ****** makes * company ethical ** ** ******* **** the ******** ******* ** ******** **** enhance *** ******* ** **** *** *** *********** ** society ************ * ******** ********* ****** ************** guarantees **** * ******* *********** ** *** ******** of ******* by ********** ******** ******** *** ********** ********* initiatives *** example ******* *** ***** ******** ********* ************* ** various social ******* **** ** ********* ****** ******* *** ***** ******* investment ** ********* ********** ** *********** hunger *** ********* access ** ********* and ********** **** (Singh *** **** **** p335) *** ********* ****** ************** ****** published in 2011 ******** **** ********** ** ****** welfare Therefore * vigorous ********* ****** ************** policy ****** a ******* to prioritize *** social ****** making ** ***************** * vigorous ********* ****** ************** ****** ********** the adoption ******* ********** **** an organization culture *** ******** ********** These ********** include *********** ********** ****** impact ********** and ********** transparency *** accountability Implementing ***** ****** ** ************** ******* *** ******** operations makes * ******* ******* *** ********* ******* *** ******* Inc are ******** of companies ***** robust ********* ****** ************** policy *** led them ** the ******* ************* For ******* *** ****** engages ** ******* *********** to improve ******* **** as investing ** education and ****** ********* ******* *** ******** dealings *** ****** ******** ******** *** ********* *** *********** and willing ** be **** *********** for ***** ******* ********* * ******** Corporate ****** Responsibility ****** ** ******* ***** ** reinforces different ******* practices BibliographyCrane * ****** D *** ****** L **************** ****** ************** ** a ****** ******** ******* *** ***** A ****** * *** ****** ** 'Corporate ****** Responsibility: ******** *** ***** ** * Global Context' *** ********* ********* pp 3-26Epstein ** ********** sustainability ***** **** ********* ** ******** *** measuring ********* social ************* *** ******** ******* Routledge ************** L *** ********* J ****** Managing CSR *********** engagement: A *** ********** **************** of ******** Ethics125 ************ * * * *** **** * * ****** ********* ****** ************** ** ****************** Journal ** ****** Education ******** & *********************** * * and ****** S * (2014) Corporate social **************************** *************