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Topic: Exploring the Viability and Advantages of Establishing a Personal Food Truck Business !!!15- 20 PAGES!! This below is how it needed to be. A. Cover Page 1. Marketing Plan for organization/c

Topic: Exploring the Viability and Advantages of Establishing a Personal Food Truck Business

!!!15- 20 PAGES!!

This below is how it needed to be.

A. Cover Page

1. Marketing Plan for organization/company name:

2. Proposed by:

3. Submitted to:

4. Date:

B. Table of Contents Suggested number of pages

1. Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 1.0

2. Company Description...................................................................................................... 0.5

3. Strategic Focus and Plan................................................................................................ 1.0

a. Mission/Vision Statements

b. Goals

c. Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage

4. Situation Analysis ............................................................................................................ 1.0

a. SWOT analysis

· Internal Strengths and Weaknesses: Management, Offerings, Marketing, Personnel, Finance, Manufacturing, and Research and Development (R & D)

· External Opportunities and Threats: Consumer/Social, Economic, Technological, Competitive, and Legal/Regulatory

b. Industry Analysis

c. Competitor Analysis

d. Customer Analysis

5. Market-Product Focus..................................................................................................... 2.0

a. Marketing and Product Objectives

b. Target Markets

c. Points of Difference

d. Positioning

6. Marketing Program ......................................................................................................... 2.0

a. Product Strategy

b. Price Strategy

(i) Break-even Analysis

c. Promotion Strategy

d. Place (Distribution) Strategy

7. Financial Data and Projections ....................................................................................... 1.0

a. Past Sales Revenues

b. Five-Year Projections

8. Organizational Structure ................................................................................................. 0.5

9. Implementation ............................................................................................................... 1.0

10. Evaluation and Control ................................................................................................... 0.5

C. References

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