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Unit #6 Journal Reflect on the concept that some citizens enjoy an effective federal tax rate of 0%. Consider the possibility of creating a minimum or base federal tax rate for all taxpayers and illus

Unit #6 Journal

Reflect on the concept that some citizens enjoy an effective federal tax rate of 0%. Consider the possibility of creating a minimum or base federal tax rate for all taxpayers and illustrate the approach for different income levels. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

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*************************************** ****************** Date          ********** * ******** ******* **** a ******* *** **** ** ** ****** ** ******** ** ******** of *** country ******* **** **** *** ******* **** ** possible **** ****** ** ******** At the **** **** * ******* amount ** ******* *** **** should ** *** ** *** the ********* *** earners *** ******* income ***** $20000 should not *** any *** ***** earning ******* $50000 *** **** a ** *** **** those ******* between ************** **** *** a 3% tax **** ***** ***** earning **** than $200000 *** have * *** ceiling of ** It is difficult ** come ** **** a ******* *** rate **** all **** groups **** ***** ***** therefore ** ** ** ** *** government ** ** research *** ********** *** **** and *************** in *** ******* *** *** **** **** ** ****** *** ***** ****** ** ******* every *** ** **** years to ****** ******** ** ************** ************ ** *** ******* *** ********* *** **** ***** that the **** ********** population ** *** ******* **** ** ********* from ******* to ******* levels ** ********* schools and ***** ********* **** be ***** ** the long *** a sense ** ********** will ** built ** **** **** ***** **** make an appropriate ************ ** *** growth ** *** *********

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