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Use the PREP work to writte a report. The outline for the report is provided on the CSR final file. Use in text citation and make a citation page at the end. In text citation should be used from the w

Use the PREP work to writte a report. The outline for the report is provided on the CSR final file. Use in text citation and make a citation page at the end. In text citation should be used from the websites already used.  I will provide an example on an in text citation A Wall Street Journal article applauded the move by General Mills to make gluten-free cereal,citing that gluten-free sales have increased 23% since 2010 (7). According to Mintel Reports,18% of consumers indicated that the availability of gluten-free products was a top prioritywhen grocery shopping (6).According to IBISWorld’s projections, the retirement community industry is expected to growto $83.2 billion, a 2.9% increase, in revenue over the next five years (1). A main factorcontributing to this growth is the increase in the population over 65; by 2060 this population isprojected to be 23% of the total U.S. population (1).According to Al Pascual, financial fraud analyst for Javelin Strategy and Research, the breachwas likely caused by an external attack (5).QSR magazine, a trade publication with 20 years of experience covering the limited-servicerestaurant industry, expects that over 50% of fast food orders will be digital by 2025 (4).  Here is the format on how to writte the report: Your TaskYour company is starting a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative and your manager hasasked you to help select a nonprofit partner. Write a report about 2 nonprofits to consider for thenew CSR initiative. You may choose local, national, or international organizations.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)Corporate social responsibility (CSR) describes a company’s efforts to improve society. This caninclude donating money to nonprofits, implementing environmentally friendly policies in theworkplace, and providing employees time to volunteer. Companies frequently highlight their CSRinitiatives (for example: EY and CBIZ).Research RequirementGather information from 6 sources (3 sources about each nonprofit). All sources used in the reportmust be on the list below; access the sources in the Library Research Guide, Nonprofits tab.Organization Website (required for both nonprofits) Great NonprofitsCharity Navigator (required for 1, can use for both) GuidestarGive.org Nonprofit Explorer: ProPublicaYour report must include quantitative and qualitative information about each nonprofit:• Financial information (where does the money come from and how is it spent)• Testimonials from volunteers or people who benefit from the organization• Programs/services provided and outcomes (number helped, benefits)• Information from Charity Navigator (or another source providing ratings/reviews)Citing Your SourcesIn the text of the document, all 6 sources must be cited using theCitation Guidelines providedon Canvas. Failure to properly cite your sources is plagiarism and will result in a zero for theassignment. Include all sources on the reference list with links to the evidence used.Avoid Direct Quotes: Paraphrase the information in your own words. Use direct quotes only toprovide a quote from a participant or member of the organization (testimonial).Visual ElementsUse 2 visual elements (chart, graph, table) in the text of the report. Cite each visual and refer to it inthe text of the report.Grading Criteria: Review the CSR Report Rubric on Canvas.CSR Report Format GuidelinesUse Times New Roman 12-point font, single-spaced text, and 1-inch margins.All paragraphs should be left aligned (no indent) with a space between paragraphs.CSR Options:Organization 1 & Organization 2Prepared by Your NameDateYour introduction paragraph (4-7 sentences) should not have a heading. Introduce eachorganization (1-2 sentences each). State your recommendation for the organization to select anduse evidence to explain your reasoning (2-3 sentences).Use quantitative evidence in the introduction (cite 2-3 sources).Organization Name 1Strength 1Write your own subheadings, do not use Strength 1 as a subheading. Each subheading should be3-9 words and clearly explain a strength of the organization. Write 1 paragraph (4-7 sentences)under each subheading. Use evidence from 2-3 sources in each paragraph.Strength 2Organization Name 2Strength 1Strength 2Reference ListInclude the reference list in the same document as the report. Start the reference list on a newpage; use the format explained on the Citation Guidelines.

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