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Watch a film: L.A. Confidential (Release dat: Sept. 19, 1997 in the United States Director: Curtis Hanson) a. Analyze the look of the film. What

Watch a film: L.A. Confidential (Release dat: Sept. 19, 1997 in the United States Director: Curtis Hanson)

a. Analyze the look of the film.  What makes this film so distinctive? Discuss the

following elements: color (or b/w), lighting, set design, costuming, make-up,

any special effects.

b. Choose a scene that defines the main character. Analyze this scene for how it

is designed and what elements support the identity of the main character. (SOUND and Story line are NOT part of this assignment.)

This should run at least two full pages or more. See below for formatting instructions.

1.   Typed, double-spac e, 12 point, Times Roman

2.   Give your paper a title.

3.   Spell check, spell check, and then do it again.

4.   Proof-read for grammar mistakes. Find them and fix them.

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