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We've looked at the reality of international trade, multinational corporations and globalism for two chapters. Make an argument for each side of the topic of trade protectionism.Provide one full-page

We've looked at the reality of international trade, multinational corporations and globalism for two chapters. Make an argument for each side of the topic of trade protectionism.

Provide one full-page argument, using concepts and ideas from the text (chapters 11 and 12) to argue for some form(s) of governmental trade intervention or oversight (protectionism).

Then provide another full-page argument, also using concepts, ideas and examples from the text to argue against governmental trade intervention or oversight.

Your position does not need to be "all or nothing". It should take into account global realities and ambiguities. Feel free to make nuanced, complex arguments with exceptions.

Your two-page response should follow normal formatting guidelines as used for case study responses - double-spaced, 12 point font, 1" margins throughout.

(You will have several assignments requiring you to dive deeper into and discuss the lecture concepts and practical application. These assignments will generally be comprised of questions requiring rudimentary outside research, providing current contemporary examples of lecture concepts from widely-available business news, etc. Each assignment will be comprised of several questions to be researched and answered.

Recognize that your answers to these discussion questions should be well reasoned and supported with evidence. Make certain that you use chapter material and theory as the basis for your answers.  Assignment deadlines and due dates will be announced in lecture and posted as announcements on Blackboard.)

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