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Week 3 Learning Team Collaborative Discussion:& Global Expansion Understanding Business, Ch. 3

Company X is an American manufacturing company getting ready to start selling its products in Mexico. You are the manager of a team tasked with assessing the potential risks to the company as it gets ready to expand to another country. 

Create a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint presentation, including detailed speaker's notes, you could deliver to the Board of Directors discussing the risks the company could face. 

Address the following points in your presentation:

  • Explain what risks the company could face in entering the market in Mexico
  • Explain how these risks might be different than those risks faced in staying in just the American market
  • Analyze how the company can manage these risks

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

                                      &Write a 525-word weekly reflection that includes the following:

  • Summarize the discussion you had with your collaborative team.
  • Explain whether the firms your team discussed pursued an effective global expansion strategy.
  • Explain whether you would have chosen a different approach to global expansion and justify it.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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