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Week : Technology Acceptance Model Must post first. The technology acceptance model (TAM) is a two-factor model that describes user acceptance of new or replacement technology solutions (Davis, 1989).
Week : Technology Acceptance Model
Must post first.
The technology acceptance model (TAM) is a two-factor model that describes user acceptance of new or replacement technology solutions (Davis, 1989). This evaluation model has withstood the test of time and is widely used. The model is based upon perceptions and beliefs of individuals and measures two types of factors: (a) perceived ease of use and (b) perceived usefulness.
Prepare an analysis (briefing paper) (5 to 7 strong paragraphs) in which you explain how cybersecurity researchers could use the TAM model to explore the factors which affect employee acceptance of biometrics used for access to facilities and/or computing systems. What research questions might they ask? What measurements would be needed?
Post your briefing paper as a reply to this topic. Remember to cite your sources (3 minimum) and include a reference list at the end of your posting.
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********** Selection Study ************** ****** The ******** of ****** ************************ ** ** ***** **** ********** ********** has ***** birth ** ******* emerging ************ **** ******** organization *** *********** in ***** system ** **** ** the ********* ** ******** ******** and Development ******** One of these ************ chosen *** **** ********* bibliography is the ******** of ****** ***** ** *********** *** ******** of Things (IoT) ****** ** * ******* ** ******* what **** ********** ** the ******** and ********* **** *** ******* ** interact **** **** ***** *** ******** **** As ** ********* *** ******** ********** *** ******** ** Things (IoT) ** ******* usages ** critical infrastructure ******* **** as ********* ******* ******* *** ***** ******* enhancing easy ****** ** ********* **** and information through ********* ******* ****** ************* ****** *** ********** *** ******* ** financial ******** ********* *** ********* ******* ******** ************** *** enhances ********** **** at *** distance The Internet ** Things (IoT) *** **** be used ** ********* ******* ******* ** enhance ******** ******* network ** **** ******* ******** ******* *** other ******* ******* used ** financial ******* ******* ******* *** ******** ** ****** (IoT) ** ** a potential **** ** ************ *** ********* ********* service ******* **** ** ***** ** ****** such risks ******* ****** ******** ************* *** devices ** ******** of ****** (IoT) *** ** risk ** **** ******* ********* ******** ******* *** **** ****** to ********* *** ************ **** (Aldaej ***** Therefore this ********* ************ ****** descriptive *** *********** *************** ** *** critical ************** ** the Internet of Things ***** *************** *** *********** of IoT ** supporting or improving cybersecurity in financial service sectors The annotated bibliography **** provide *********** ** *** *** exploitation ** *** ******** ** ****** ***** ** *** ** attacker ********** *** ********* *** concerned *** *** Internet ** Things ***** can be used to reduce *** manage **** ********* ********** ** *************** *** ********* ************ also ******** *** *** Internet ** ****** ***** can ** **** ** ****** *************** in an ******** ********** *********** in the ********* ******* sectors The **** ** ************************** * ****** Enhancing ***** ******** ** ****** ******** ** ****** (IoT) ***** ********* ********** ********* *** IoT (IPAI)Ieee ************ * ******* * ***** Herder * (January ** 2019) *** dual effects ** the ******** of ****** ****** * ********** review ** the ******** *** ***** ** IoT ******** ** ************************** ******* ** *********** ***************** * * ******** ** ***** ******** ** ******* Privacy *** ******** ************************* ******* ** ***************** *** the ******** ** ****** (ijhiot)11 1-18Javed F Afzal * * Sharif * ***** *** B-S ****** ******** of ****** ***** ********* systems ******* ********** ************ ************ and *********** * *********** ********** ************** ******* *** Tutorials203 ****************** * Boulmakoul A Tabaa M & **** ************* ********** ** ******* ******* ******** and ************ ANT **** *** *** 2nd ************* ********** ** ******** **** *** Industry ** ***** **** Affiliated ********* ****** ****** ** ******* ****** ***** *** ** ******* ***************** Computer ****************** * (2016) ** *********** ***** ** *** ****** ** the ******** ** ****** ***** ** Business Model *********** ******** ***** Enterprises at ******* *** ********************** Journal ** *********** ******* *** ****** Change (IJISSC)73 ****** Y & Xu L D ****** Internet ** ****** ***** ************* ********* A review of current ******** ********** ******** ** ****** ********* ************** * ****** Security *** privacy ** *** ******** ** ************* ** ***** Policy22 155-184Zeadally * ***** Tsikerdekis M ****** Securing ******** of ****** (IoT) with ******* learningInternational Journal ** ************* **************** * B Kim S W Hahm O ***** * * & ******** M * ****** ******** ** ****** ***** ********* ******* *********** ************* ********** *** ****************** ******* ***************** * ****** ********* ***** Security ** ****** Internet ** ****** ***** ***** Intrusion Prevention ********* for *** ********** *********** **** article ****** (2019) ******** **** the ******** ** ****** ***** is evolving very fast *** ************ *** ******** *********** between *** *********** and organizations As ** ********* ************** ** *** Internet ** ****** (IoT) *** ********** ***** *** ******** ** ************ in ****** *** ******** ****** *** ** ************** The second *************** ** the ******** ** ****** (IoT) *** that ******** *** wireless *** **************** ******* the application ** ******** ** ****** ***** ** ********** **** several security *** ******* ******** ***** is *** ******** *** ******* such ** **** ******* that must ** ********* *** *** successful ** ********** ** IoT ********** *** networks ** ******** of ****** (IoT) *** ******** self-configuring *** **** ***** **** ******** and thus security ** ***** concern In **** the attack ******* on *** ***** *** the victim ** *** *** legitimate ***** ** *** ******* **** accessing *** ******* ******** ** ********* ******* Aldaej (2019) ******** that Intrusion Prevention ********* can be *********** *** *** ******** of Things ***** ** ****** DDoS attacks **** are ******* ** detect and **** ** ***** ****** *** performance of *** network Intrusion ********** Algorithm can ** used ** defend *** ******* *** *************** * Janssen * ***** ****** P (2019) *** dual ******* ** *** ******** of Things ****** A systematic ****** ** the benefits *** ***** ** *** ******** ** ************************** ******* of *********** Management The article ******** **** **** *** ******** ********** with ******** ** *** ******** ** Things ***** *** **** benefit ** based on *** big open *** ****** data ********* from *** Internet ** ****** ***** *** ** ** **** quality ************* *** ****** **** ** comes ** ******** ****** *** performance ** ** ************ The *** data **** the ******** ** ****** ***** *** ** **** ** ******* operational planning ** *** ************ *** ******* *** overall health as well ** *** ******* ** organizational ****** ****** ******* ***** ****** ***** *** *** *** ********* *** **** ** at **** ** ************ management *** **** *** ** ******** ** the **** *** ***** ********** ******* to ******** ****** **** in *** ******** ** Things (IoT) **** raises *** ******* ** privacy ****** ******* ***** ****** ************* ******** of *** ******** *** **************** impact of *** ******** ** ************* ** primarily related to the **** ***** *** ********* IoT ****** ***** **************** ********** and ************ ****** ******** et ** 2017) Firstly *** ********* ***** amounts of **** which is ******* ****** ******* **** **** generated ** traditional ***** being: ** of higher granularity *** ***** greater ********* ******* ** ******* heterogeneity coming **** * ********* of sources; ** being **** ****** **** traditional **** ***** ********* or **** ********** *** 4) ****** ************* ****** ******* ** **** *** **** ** ***** ******** ** ** ********* ********** ****** ******* *** ******** (Kaisler ****** ******** ***** ***** ***** ******* *** generated Big ******** carries ********** ***** often ******* to *** ********** of the **** *** to ** infrastructural *********** *********** **** ****** of *** means **** **** ***** is ******* *** one ********** *** *** be **** in ******** applications ********* multiple ***** *** reveal ********** ********** ******** ******* **** **** ****** *** **** ******* ***************** *** example ** ******** ******* the ****** aspect ** *** ****** ************* ** ******* **** **** a *********** sources ********* **** from “things” with **** *********** **** ******* **** ****** aspect can **** ***************** ******* *** ******* to ******* ** *** following ******** *** expected ******** of *** ******** are exploredfollowed by * ********** of *** expected risks ** *** ******** ** **** ******* ** ******* *** potential organizationalbenefits ** *** ** ********** *** ***** ******* ** BOLD ** ***** ** ********** *** ************ *** ******** of ******* generated ** IoT then ** ******* potential ************ *** ******** ** IoT **** ******* to the open ****** ** ****** ******* we ******* the potential ************ and benefits of IoT **** regards to *** ****** aspect ** IoTExpected Benefits of *** ******** *** OrganizationsThe ****** ** *** ******** on organizations is ********* ******* ** *** **** ***** IoT ********* IoT ****** three **************** “Open” *** ************ (BOLD) (Dwivedi et ** ***** ******* *** ********* ***** amounts ** **** ***** ** oftenof better ******* **** **** generated ** traditional ***** ****** 1) ** ****** granularity *** ***** ******* accuracy; 2)being ** greater ************* ****** from a ********* ** sources; 3) ***** **** ****** **** *********** **** ***** ********* or **** real-time; and ** ****** substantially ****** volumes ** **** *** data ** ***** ******** ** ** “Big” datahaving volume ******* *** ******** (Kaisler ****** Espinosa ***** ***** ***** ******* *** generated *** ******** ******* ********** ***** ***** ******* ** the ********** ** *** **** *** to ** *************** *********** Secondlythe **** ****** ** *** ***** **** data ***** ** ******* for *** ********** *** *** ** **** ** ******** ************ ********* ******** ***** *** ****** ********** ********** ******** However **** open aspect can also ******* ***************** for ******* ** security ******* the linked ****** ** *** allows organizations ** combine **** **** * *********** sources ********* **** **** ************ with more traditional **** ******* **** linked ****** can **** providechallenges ******* for ******* ** privacy ** the ********* ******** the expected ******** ** IoT ******** *** exploredfollowed by * ********** ** *** expected risks ** *** ******** ** **** ******* ** ******* the ********* ********************** ** *** ** ********** *** three ******* of **** ** ***** ** ********** *** ************ *** ******** of ******* ********* by IoT **** ** discuss potential ************ *** benefits ** *** with ******* ** the **** ****** of ****** ******* ** ******* *** potential ************ *** ******** ** *** **** regards ** *** ****** aspect ** *********** Benefits ** *** Adoption for **************** impact ** IoT ******** ** ************* is ********* ******* ** *** **** ***** IoT ********* IoT ****** ***** **************** “Open” *** ************ ****** (Dwivedi et ** 2017) ******* *** generates ***** ******* ** data ***** is oftenof ****** quality than **** ********* ** *********** ***** ****** ** of ****** granularity *** ***** ******* ********* ******* of ******* ************* ****** **** * ********* ** ******** ** being **** ****** **** *********** **** ***** beingreal or **** ********** *** ** ****** ************* ****** volumes ** **** IoT data ** often referred ** ** “Big” ********** ****** ******* *** ******** ******** ****** ******** & ***** 2013) ******* IoT generated Big Dataalso ******* ********** ***** ***** related ** *** ********** of the **** and ** IT *************** limitations *********** **** aspect ** *** ***** that **** ***** ** ******* *** one particular use may be used ** multiple ************ toachieve multiple ***** *** ****** ********** unforeseen ******** ******* **** open ****** *** **** ******* ***************** *** ******* to ******** ******* *** linked aspect of *** allows ************* to combine **** **** * *********** sources ********* **** **** “things” **** **** *********** data ******* **** ****** aspect *** **** ***************** ******* *** ******* ** privacy ** *** ********* ******** *** expected ******** of *** adoption are **************** by a ********** of *** expected ***** ** *** adoption ** **** ******* ** ******* *** potential ********************** ** *** ** ********** *** ***** ******* of **** We ***** ** discussing *** ************ *** benefits of ******* ********* ** *** then ** ******* ********* ************ *** ******** of *** **** regards to *** **** ****** ** ****** ******* ** ******* *** potential ************ *** ******** ** IoT **** regards ** *** linked aspect ** IoTExpected ******** ** *** Adoption *** **************** ****** ** *** adoption ** ************* ** ********* ******* to *** **** which *** generates IoT having three **************** “Open” and ************ (BOLD) ******** ** al ***** Firstly *** ********* ***** ******* ** data which ** oftenof ****** ******* **** **** ********* ** traditional ***** ****** ** of higher granularity *** often ******* ********* ******* ** ******* heterogeneity ****** from * ********* ** sources; ** being **** ****** **** *********** **** ***** ********* ** **** ********** and ** ****** ************* larger ******* ** **** IoT **** is ***** ******** ** ** ********* ********** ****** ******* and velocity ******** ****** ******** ***** ***** 2013) ******* *** ********* *** Dataalso ******* ********** ***** ***** related ** the ********** ** *** **** *** to ** infrastructural limitations *********** open ****** ** *** means **** data ***** ** ******* *** one ********** use *** ** used ** ******** applications ********* multiple goals *** reveal previously unforeseen insights ******* **** **** ****** *** also provide challengesrelated for example to ******** ******* *** ****** aspect ** *** ****** ************* ** ******* **** **** * *********** ******* combining **** **** “things” **** **** traditional **** ******* **** linked ****** *** **** ***************** ******* *** example ** privacy ** *** following ******** the ******** ******** ** IoT ******** *** **************** by * discussion ** the ******** ***** ** *** ******** In this ******* we ******* the ********* ********************** ** IoT ** ********** *** ***** aspects of **** ** ***** by discussing *** ************ *** ******** ** ******* ********* ** *** **** ** ******* ********* improvements and ******** ** IoT **** ******* ** *** **** ****** of ****** finally ** ******* the potential ************ *** benefits ** *** with ******* ** the ****** ****** ** IoEltayeb * * (2017) ******** ** ******* ******* *** ******** ************************* ******* of ***************** and *** Internet of ****** ********** ******** this ******* *** **** ***** **** ****** out ** **** in the ******** ** ****** ***** is **** up ** ******* network ** ************** ******* Eltayeb ****** explains **** *** *************** ** *** *** ***** ** ******** *** ****** ** store share ********* *** ******* ***** ****** ** **** Regardless ** such benefits *** Internet of ****** ***** poses *** **** ******* ******* and ******** of **** data *** ** ********** *** data *** ** ****** ** get **** *** ***** ***** ******** 2017) Javed * ***** M * ****** * ***** Kim *** ****** ******** ** ****** (IoT) ********* ******* support ********** ************ ************ *** *********** * *********** reviewIeee ************** ******* *** Tutorials203 *************** **** *** ********* ******** **** ** ******** *** **** ****** ** *********** ****** ************* ************** ** transfer of **** ****** ********** ** ******* ******** ** ****** ***** ***** ******* ********** **** *** *************** ***** ** ** ****** points *** security ****** ********** with IoT such ** data ******* *** having ********* **** accessed ** ********* ** ******* There is **** the ********* of sabotage in ***** * hacked IoT ****** *** **** *** ********* ******************** * Boulmakoul * Tabaa * & **** ************* Conference ** ******* ******* ******** *** ************ *** 2019 *** *** 2nd International Conference ** ******** **** and ******** ** EDI40 **** ********** ********* (2019) ****** ** ******* ****** using *** on ******* ***************** Computer ******************* **** ******* *** ******* ******* ******* application ** the Internet of ****** (IoT) ** ******* ********** and ******* financial ******** ***** ******* mobile ******* ** which ***** *** ****** their **** ******* ***** ******* ********* ******* ******* activities *** **** automatic payment ******* ***** ** the ******* ** ***** *********** *** Internet ** ****** ***** *** still **** ****** ******** ******** ***** ******* such ** biometrics **** **** in *** case of Barclays **** *** ********* ************ *** recognizing ****** ********** *** ** validate transactions **** ** ******* *** subscription ** ** ********** * (2016) ** *********** ***** ** *** ****** of *** ******** ** Things (IoT) on ******** ***** *********** ******** ***** *********** ** Fortune 500 CompaniesInternational Journal of *********** ******* *** ****** ****** ********** ******** this ******* Lee ****** ******** *** *** Internet ** ****** ***** ** ***** **** by ******* *** ********* ** ***** ***** ***** *********** ***** the application ** *** ******** ** Things ***** ******* providing ********** *********** **** can be used ** ****** the ****** needs ***** ********** ****** **** * meaningful ************ ******* the ****** ******* *** *** ******* *** ******** ********* ******* **** ** devices ********* ** the ******** *** be used ** ***** ************ ****** ************ *********** *** **** ** a product *********** from the ******** of Things ***** *** ** **** to ******* customers' needs ***** ** ***** ******** ********** and behavior **** ********* * ***** ** L * ****** ******** ** ****** (IoT) ************* ********* * ****** of ******* ******** topicsIeee ******** ** ****** ********* 2103-2115 In **** ******* Lu ***** ** (2019) offers an ********* ****** the ******** ** ****** ***** ** ***** defining *** ******** ** ****** (IoT) ********* to ** & Xu (2019) *** ******** ** ****** ***** can be ******* as ******* ********** devices *** ******* ***** have the ******** to connect *** ******** **** ******* the *** of *** ********** ******** The authors **** ********* *** ********** *** elements that **** ** *** Internet of Things (IoT) ***** ******* *********** ****** **** ***** devices *** *********** ******* *** author also ****** *** that *** Internet of ****** (IoT) has significant chance ** improve the world ** become ****** ***** ** ************* **************** ********* *************** ************ and *********** ******* *** ******** ** Things ***** it ** ******** **** **** *** billion ******* **** be ********* by **** ******* *** ********** that *** ** ******** ** ******* *** ** a challenging **** ******* ** *** ******* *********** ** system ******** There ** *** ********* of *********** *** nodes ** *** ******** ** Things ***** that *** have ****** ** users' ******* *** *************** **** ******* ** the heterogeneous architecture of *** Lu ***** Xu ****** ******* that the ******** protocols also ******** *** **** *** *** to ** *********** by attackers *** *********** of *** ******** ** ****** ***** ******* has also *********** security ********* and ********** ******* **** *** ***** ****** ** *** system *** *********** ***** on *** level ** **************** ******** integrity *** *********** ********* an ********* ****** ** *** cybersecurity that ***** organization ****** ****** ** achieve is ** ensure *** ********** *** *********** of the heterogeneous ***** ******* *** ***** ** 2019) Maple * ****** ******** and ******* ** *** Internet ** ************* ** ***** Policy22 *********** this ******* ******* Maple (2017) ********* ********* of *** IoT by ***** *********** ******* ********** *** primary application ***** ***** ********* **** ** the ******** *** privacy ************** and ********** ********** with *** ******** ** ****** *** ******** of ****** finds application ** ******* ******* **** ** ****** ********** entertainment ***** *********** ******** smart ***** *** ********* sector *** ** ***** devices ** **** ******* *** ********* ****** ************ ***** ** *** ********* ** *** growth ** *** ****** ** ******* ** the ******** ** ****** **** ******* security ***** ******* of **** ** policies standards *** governance ** ***** development ** *** ******** ** things ******* ******** ********** *** security of *** *********** ** *** ******** ** ****** ** ********** ** *** ** ************ confidentiality *** integrity ** ********* ********** IoT attacks **** also proved **** ***** are ********** ** ******* *** ************** ***** and **** creating ******** for ******* ******* ****** ********* ***** (2017) suggests **** ******** ** IoT ****** ** *********** by ****** *** ******** system and ************ ** ******* *** ******* *** ******** devices ***** recommendations provided ** ***** ****** to ****** security of the ******** of things ******* standardizing *** ************* ******** *** ************ using ******* security; ***** ************** ***** ********** *** ******** ************** *** ************** in *** IoT ******* ****** ************* * ***** *********** * (2020) Securing ******** of Things (IoT) with ******* ********************* Journal of ************* **************** ****** the ******** of Things ***** enhances exchange and sharing of *********** ***** is *** ******* ** having *** ******* *** ******** ** ***** data compromised ********* ******** ***** *********** ****** ******* **** one ** *** ********** to ****** *** ******** ** IoT ** to *** ******* ******** *** ******** ********* ** ** deploy ********** ******** ********** *** **** reinforce ******** *** *** host‐based ** **** ** *************** ******** measures ** the IoT ***************** * * Kim * W **** O ***** * * ***** ******** M Y (2019) Internet ** ****** (IoT) Operating ******* *********** Opportunities ********** *** SolutionSensors198 ******** this ******* the ******* ******** several aspects ** *** ******** ** ****** (IoT) ***** the *** futures ** *** *** ********* ***** ******* ******** ** ******** ****** ******** low power *********** ******* heterogeneous devices ******* supports of ******** *** ******* *** ******* ************ *** Intelligent *** ******* *** ******** ******* *** ****** ** ******** ** ****** (IoT) remains * ********* **** ********** ********** by ****** ** ** ****** ** **** ******* include **** ********* *** ************** ************ ****** ** ** (2019) ******* that blockchain based ********* ******** *** ** a ********* *** ****** method ** address *** ******* *** ******** concerns ** the *********************** * ****** Enhancing ***** Security ** Modern ******** of ****** (IoT) ***** Intrusion ********** ********* *** *** ********** ************ * ******* * ***** ****** P ******** ** ***** *** **** ******* ** *** Internet of ****** (IoT): * ********** ****** of *** ******** and ***** ** *** ******** ** organizationsInternational ******* of Information ***************** * * ******** ** ***** Internet ** ******* ******* *** Security ImplicationsInternational ******* ** ***************** *** the ******** ** Things ********** ********* * Afzal * * ****** M ***** Kim *** ****** ******** ** ****** (IoT) operating systems ******* ********** ************ ************ *** challenges: A comparative ********** Communications ******* *** ************ ****************** F ********** * ***** M ***** **** ************* Conference ** ******* ******* Networks *** ************ *** 2019 *** *** 2nd International ********** ** ******** Data and ******** ** ***** **** Affiliated ********* ****** Impact of ******* ****** using *** ** banking processesProcedia Computer ****************** I ****** ** *********** ***** ** *** ****** ** *** ******** ** Things ***** on ******** ***** Innovation: Building Smart *********** ** Fortune *** CompaniesInternational ******* ** *********** ******* *** ****** ****** ********** ****** * & ** L * ****** ******** ** things ***** cybersecurity ********* * ****** ** ******* ******** topicsIeee ******** ** ****** Journal62 ************** * ****** ******** and ******* ** *** ******** ** thingsJournal ** ***** Policy22 *************** S ***** Tsikerdekis * ****** ******** Internet ** ****** ***** **** ******* ********************* Journal ** ************* **************** * B *** S * **** * ***** * K & Aalsalem * Y ****** Internet ** ****** ***** ********* ******* *********** ************* ********** *** SolutionSensors198 **********