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What are Laban's Action Effort/Qualities? List each one and their Time/Space/Effort qualities. Describe Graham's Contract and Release technique and Humphrey's Fall and Recover technique. What is suspe

What are Laban's Action Effort/Qualities? List each one and their Time/Space/Effort qualities.

Describe Graham's Contract and Release technique and Humphrey's Fall and Recover technique. What is suspension? What is successional movement?

Describe Graham's Contract and Release technique and Humphrey's Fall and Recover technique. What is suspension? What is successional movement?

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****** are ******* ****** ***************** **** each *** *** their Time/Space/Effort ********************************************************************* *************************************** ** HBSlash ******* ** ******* ******** DSHBWring ISHBGlide DSLFFloat ************** ******** ******** *** ******* ********* *** ********** Fall *** Recover technique **** is *********** What ** successional ********* ******** ******** *** Release ********* ** * *** to **** people relax *** ******* tension in their ******* It ******** *********** * ****** ***** for * *** seconds and **** ********* ** **** can ** ******** ******* ***** Humphrey's Fall *** Recover ********* ** * *** ** help people who **** ****** and *** ****** ********** ******* ** ** involves ******* ** *** ****** and **** using **** arms *** **** ** ****** *** **** ********** ******** and ******* ********* Graham's ******** *** Release ********* ******** creating a ******** with ******* ** ******* ***** *** **** releasing ** **** *** **** ** ********* This ********* can ** **** *** *** type ** ******* ** **** *** ** ***** ** *** ** **** ** ****** ******** ******** like ******** new ******** routine or ************ ******** **** ********** a **** ****** The ******** **** ** *** technique ******** ******* ***** and ******** ***** *** **** ******** a written ********* ** ******** **** ******** **** will ** **** ** when and how **** contract can ** ******* ******** and ******* ****** ** **** ******* yourself *** your *** ********** The *** ** to be as ******** and realistic ** ******** ** setting *** ***** *** ********** ** *** contract The ******* **** of *** ********* comes ***** the **** ** ********* **** the goals ** *** contract **** been *** the contract ** **** released either ** ******* ** up or ** ******** ** off * **** **** ********* that *** task ** ******** and **** you *** *** free **** the ****************** **** *** ******* technique ********** **** *** ******* ********* ** ***** ** *** ******* that ******** *** more ****** ** ********* *** ****** **** ************ ** **** **** that they have **** control over the ********* ********** ****** The technique ******** giving the ***** a ****** between *** ******* **** *** ***** **** ********* than *** ***** *** child ** **** allowed to choose *** **** ********* ****** ***** ******* ** a ****** *** ********** ***** **** *** ***** ** ****** ** *** **** ** *** *** ***** This technique *** ** ************ ********* ** ********** ***** *** ***** is ********* ** authority ******* ** is acting *** in * *********** ** ******* mannerWhat is *********** **** ** ************ ********* Suspension ** * ********* ***** the athlete ***** **** ** overhead ******* *** **** the **** ****** stretch the ******* ********** ***** ********** ***** This *** ** **** **** *** ****** group *** is ********* **** with *** muscles ** *** **** *** arms **** ********* ** **** to **** ******** flexibility *** range ** motion ************ movement is * ********* where *** athlete moves ****** *** ******** ******* * range ** ****** ******* ** **** *** ** the ***** for * ***** of twoReferencesLeban ****** ***** ******** Efforts * ******* ********* October ** 2022 **** https://wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=OK-7QhORB9kRadcliffe J ***** ********** * ****************** *********** ** Human kineticsRahmatika * (2018) ************* ********* as ********** ** ********** BodyInternational ******* of ******** *** **** *********** *****

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