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will ask you to narrate an experience that you are experiencing personally that presents a problem in your life and how best it could be solved. Using The Undying as an example of narrating arguments

 will ask you to narrate an experience that you are experiencing personally that presents a problem in your life and how best it could be solved. Using The Undying as an example of narrating arguments about a personal problem that has to be dealt with, you may choose to invoke metaphor, symbol, and/or historical content as part of your persuasion as Boyer does in her memoir. 

This paper will require research from at least 3 outside, secondary, published sources cited in MLA format. Your sources must be relevant, credible, published within the last 5 years unless historical or sacred material is used, and the sources should be separate from one another. You can't use 3 articles from the same newspaper, for example. MLA style will be explained in class and Pages handouts in Canvas show how to cite your sources.

You will also need a Works Cited Page at the end, listing all identifying publication information about each source cited in the paper. 

For this paper, you will present an argument about a current, ongoing problem you have right now and present a series of ways to handle it, supported through research.

Research will focus on supporting evidence for your central argument (why the problem is a problem) and possible solutions. 

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