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Working as software developer in telecom company Course 1: DSRT Infer Stats in Decision-Making Course 2: DSRT professional writing and professional development Question 1 - Briefly explain any steps

Working as software developer in telecom company

Course 1: DSRT  Infer Stats in Decision-Making

Course 2: DSRT professional writing and professional development 

Question 1 - Briefly explain any steps you are taking, or plan to take, to gain hands-on experience in your program of study. (50 – 100 words)

 Question 2 - State two goals you hope to achieve through applying your coursework this term to your workplace experience. (50 – 100 words)

Due to the embedded practical experience component in the curriculum, students must identify their work-study, internship, cooperative education experience by the start of the term.Please answer the following questions to identify what you have done to prepare for success in your INTR course this semester. 

Syllabus :

Introduction and Descriptive Statistics Read:

1, Exploring Statistics - Chapter1: Introduction

2. Exploring Statistics - Chapter 2: Frequency Distributions and Graphs

3. Exploring Statistics - Chapter 3: Central Tendency

4. Exploring Statistics - Chapter 4: Variability

5. Exploring Statistics - Chapter 5: Other Descriptive Statistics

Correlation and Regression Tests Read:

  1. Exploring Statistics - Chapter 6: Correlation and Regression
  2. Exploring Statistics - Chapter 7: Theoretical Distributions Including the Normal Distribution
  3. Exploring Statistics - Chapter 8: Samples

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Read:

1. Exploring Statistics - Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance: Independent Samples

Exploring Statistics - Chapter 12: Analysis of Variance: Repeated Measures

2. Exploring Statistics - Chapter 13: Analysis of Variance: Factorial Design

t-tests Read:

  1. Exploring Statistics - Chapter 9: Effect Size and Null Hypothesis Significance Testing - One-Sample Designs
  2. Exploring Statistics - Chapter 10: Effect Size, Confidence Interval, and Null Hypothesis Significance Testing - Two- sample Designs
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