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Write 1 page essay on the topic Saif Almarri.One segment of the movie talks about one of the survivors from Ejsyski, Poland. Yaffa Eliach played an active role in the development of an exhibit of the

Write 1 page essay on the topic Saif Almarri.

One segment of the movie talks about one of the survivors from Ejsyski, Poland. Yaffa Eliach played an active role in the development of an exhibit of the museum. The story of his uncle and father narrated by Asner is spell-binding. I found a lot of adventure as well as emotional appeal in Asner’s account of the way his relatives ran away from the Nazis.

Some of the parts I can recall which I had been very excited seeing include the archival film footage, the footage in which the museum of Washington D.C. is shown and the interviews conducted with the survivors of the Holocaust. I love this movie for the fact that it told me a great deal about the history of US in general and the Holocaust Memorial Museum in

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