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Write 2 page essay on the topic Trends in healthcare services.This option is optimal because it enables the government to collect adequate funds from the workers for the national health insurance prog

Write 2 page essay on the topic Trends in healthcare services.

This option is optimal because it enables the government to collect adequate funds from the workers for the national health insurance program. In addition, this platform is fair to all the groups of workers considered as it applies the charges as a percentage of their payroll. hence a worker contributes an amount relative to his or her salary. This also makes the platform fair for all (Diamond & Vartiainen, 2012).

Currently, there exist different types of health insurance plans that individuals can opt for in a quest to secure health insurance. In addition, there also exist a number of health maintenance organizations, capitations, as well as preferred provider organization within the health insurance market. These different platforms of health security and insurance have a significant effect on the trends of healthcare services today. For one, these aspects have made it possible for more people within the population to be in a position to afford and access quality medical healthcare services despite their income levels, especially considering the high cost of medical services within the United States. In fact, the US is one of the developed countries that has the highest or the most expensive health care program in the world, thereby subjecting a great portion of its populace to poor health care services due to unaffordability (Feldstein, 2011).

Nowadays, a health insurer has to consider a number of factors, on both the economic as well as the societal platforms that affect the pricing and demand of health care services within the market. Health insurance exists in order to provide the people with access to quality medical healthcare. However, the people need to afford these insurance policies in order to be in a position to subscribe to them appropriately. Therefore, in setting the price for these health insurance programs, the insurers need to consider the income levels of each

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