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Write 2 pages thesis on the topic a psychosocial analysis of children at the age of 6-12.

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic a psychosocial analysis of children at the age of 6-12. Journal

1. The first thing that I learnt from the studies about children within the ages of 6-12 years is that which relates to their communications and relationships with others. A psychosocial study of children at this age reveal that they have a tendency to mostly develop better relationships with their peers than their parents, a sign seen by the increase in the number of peer groups they have. Secondly, their relationships with adults decrease implying that they start to have self-control over their lives in relation to the much time spent with peers than elder persons. The acceptance earned from their peers is principal in their lives as most of them would not want to end-up being cast off or be perceived as introverts. In addition to this, children at this age bracket embark on becoming extremely aggressive in their dealings which grow to become more verbal and personal in nature (Santrock, 75).

In support of these views is the theory by Selman on Social Perspective-taking, which states that by the end of middle childhood, the views of a youngster with regards to relationships as self, someone else and the conformity desires become quite essential.

Thirdly, I was able to learn about the stages of social cognition interpersonal reasoning with regards to middle childhood. The stages are : egocentric level stage (children ages 4-6), social information role taking stage (Children ages 6-8), self-reflective role taking stage (Children ages 8-10), multiple role taking stage (Children ages 10-12) and the social and conventional system taking stage (children aged 12-15+).

Fourthly, based on observation, children at middle childhood experience all the types of stress: physical, psychosocial and cognitive. As humans, their needs are supported by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory that identifies physiological needs as the most important. When gauged on an intrinsic and extrinsic factors basis, the intrinsic children had higher performance and self identity as compared to their extrinsic counterparts.

Finally, I was able to learn about the physical development of these children as being vibrant as it is the period when adolescence sets in. they grow physically in all cognitive aspects.

2. First, in caring for newborns, German mothers deject physical contact but promote independence (Bretherton, 125), while Kung San mothers in the Kalahari Desert, hold their infants more or less constantly during the first year. The Israeli infants only spend a few hours a day in their mothers’ care while, their African-American counterparts are likely to enjoy in the care of extended families of more than one primary caretaker.

With regard to gender roles, children who adopted proper gender labels early had parents who provided them with well-built affective responses to their sex-typed play behavior. Thus, the emotional tone of parental responses predicts the early adoption of correct gender labels. A parental effect also affects the children sex differences with male children learning from their fathers to avoid feminine duties (Santrock, 77).

3. For one, each stage in life has got is own attributes that influence growth and development in a person. Secondly, comprehending our lifespan as an essential aspect of our own existence will enable us to comprehend the human growth through the four generations of infancy, babyhood, puberty, and maturity (Santrock, 57). Consequently, lifespan growth is important as it is sedulous in nursing from several psychological viewpoints that interlock human development adaptation and functioning in handling linguistic process interplays of behavioral of the lifespan.

Works Cited

Bretherton, Inge, and Everett Waters. Growing points of attachment: theory and research. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press for the Society for Research in Child Development, 1985. Print.

Santrock, John W. Life-span development. 10th ed. Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill, 2006. Print.

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