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Write 2 pages with APA style on Human/animal ethics documentation. of Research Project Ethical Concerns Related to the Safety of Mental Health Providers Section Researchers Chief Investigator(s) (Titl
Write 2 pages with APA style on Human/animal ethics documentation. of Research Project Ethical Concerns Related to the Safety of Mental Health Providers Section Researchers Chief Investigator(s) (Title given name family name)
School or Research Centre
Haitham Al majzoub
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health
Name: (Title given name family name)
School or Research Centre
If a chief or co-investigator is a student:
Student ID No
Student Subject Code
Course Name (Hons Masters PhD etc)
Title and name of Supervisor(s)
School / Research Centre / External Organisation
Address to which
correspondence should be forwarded
*** including email address
The School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Melbourne, .au
Proposed Dates of Data Collection
From: 23 June 2012
To: 23 December 2012
Proposed Duration of the whole research project
From: 1 June 2012
To: 1 June 2012
Section 2: Research Proposal
2.1Proposed Research
Provide a rationale of the research project in lay terms, including:
the aims and/or research question
brief literature review (no more than 500 words)
key references (up to 10)
The research is aimed to raise ethical concerns in the minds of general public and health agencies to support and protect the mental health workers against violence and discrimination within the health industry.
It has been analyzed that patient violence cannot only lead the mental health care professionals to sickness and increased absenteeism but, this can also have its adverse affects on the mental state of these health care professionals (LeFlore and Bell, 2007). A number of different psychological and mental disorders have been observed in their mental state. Such disorders which include depression, anxiety, isolation, anger and loss of confidence may not only hinder their performance but also, it has been observed that these disorders can adversely affect their relationship with the patient (Glick et al, 2008). Poor communication and lack of adequate facilities provided to the patients are the two major causes of the patients’ outburst against healthcare professionals. Lack of staff training is another key element which has contributed to the high level of violence from the patients on their care takers. To prevent such hostile behavior by the patients, it is highly important for the healthcare professionals to focus on better hospital organization, arrangement of physical environment and should concentrate more on staff training and development. It is highly imperative for the hospital management to train the healthcare providers of a psychiatric unit and to enhance the flow of communication between the health care providers and the patients.
Some researchers have found cultural and race issues as the part of triggering process in the patients. Therefore, it is also very important for the hospital management to train the staff on how to deal patients from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds to lower the risk of violence against the staff members (Farrell and Cubit, 2005).
The research of this paper is based on finding the basic questions:
Does staff training reduce violence in mental healthcare units? And if so,
How far do staff training programs contribute towards managing of preventing violence in mental healthcare units?
Through research findings, this would enable the health industry to overcome such issues and to provide safety and care to the staff members dealing with the psychiatric patients within ethical boundaries.
Key reference
LeFlore, F.& Bell, M. (2007) Mental health matters for violence prevention: a multi-faceted approach to risk factors and solutions. Proceedings of Persistently Safe Schools: The 2007 National Conference on Safe Schools, 143-155.
Glick, R., Berlin, J., & Fishkind, A. (2008). Emergency psychiatry: principles and practice. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Farrell, G. & Cubit, K. (2005). Nurses under threat: A comparison of content of 28
aggression management programs. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 14, 44-53.
2.2Outline the value and benefits of the project
e.g. to the participants, your discipline, the community, the literature etc.
This project provides an important research platform that will help to describe the core building blocks required to achieve better patient-staff relationships. This offers the focus for creating ethical considerations at various landscapes and on the basis of future research procedures, the healthcare industry can overcome the issues such as violence against mental healthcare providers in the long run.
The findings will identify possible trends aiding patient-staff relations and hence establish unique explanation on ethical representation and how the risk of violence can be minimized against the mental healthcare workers.
2.3Despite the value and benefits of the project:
(a) outline the burdens and/or risks (if any) of the project to your research participants and/or other people
(e.g. painful and unpleasant procedures, invasion of privacy, physical/psychological/mental stress, possible embarrassment, anxiety, discomfort, etc) and
(b) detail how the Chief Investigator will respond to such risks
(e.g. will counselling be available for research participants?)
a- The involved people were given the platform to vent out their feelings and traumatic experiences with others in order to feel more strong and confident. Also, their experiences have helped the other people to increase their confidence.
b- Proper and vigilant counselling will be provided to those who are in need of general consultation due to their traumatic experiences.
Section 3: Methodology/Procedural Evaluation
3.1 Describe the research procedures/methodology as they affect the research participants and any other parties involved.
Step by step account of each stage in the research plan that will affect participants (and any relevant others)
Note that these stages begin with recruitment and may extend as far as data analysis
Justification of the research approach
Details of Data Collection Process:
1- Pre-evaluation phase which involves the participants to answer the sampling questionnaires. The participants are required to undergo a Knowledge, Attitude and Practice survey (KAP1). This will allow the researcher to determine the baseline knowledge, perception and experience regarding protecting themselves against aggressive behaviour from patients.
2- Immediate post-evaluation phase involves the steps after collecting the data. The Critical Incident Positive Outcome (CIPO) Training Program will be given to the participants. Staff responses regarding their knowledge and attitude of the various intervention techniques immediately after the training will be conducted using a Knowledge and Attitude Survey (KAP2). This determines whether or not there have been any changes in the knowledge and attitudes of the participants regarding violence management and prevention due to the training.
1- Evaluation two months after training involves the KAP survey (KAP3) that will be administered on the participants to determine whether the staff training has brought about an overall decrease in the amount of violence. This will allow evaluation of the long-term effects of the training, especially whether or not 1) they applied the learning and 2) they were able to protect themselves against violence because of it.
Activity Timeline:
Drafting and Approval of Proposal
1 week
Gathering Secondary Data for Review of Related Literature
2 weeks
Research Design and Methodology
1 week
Pilot Testing of Instrument
1 week
Validation of Instrument
Gathering of Primary Data
3 weeks
Encoding and Statistical Analysis
1 week
Writing the Findings and Discussion Chapter
1 week
Drating the Conclusions and Recommendations Chapter
1 week
1 week
12 weeks
Section 4: Participant Details/Recruitment
4.1 Give the number of intended research
4.2 From where will the research participants be recruited?
The research participants would all come from various backgrounds
- animal health
- ethical family ground
- leadership
4.3 Detail recruitment procedure, including how you will obtain a research participant’s agreement to be involved in your research.
Your response should include an explanation of the process to be used to obtain informed consent, together with any consent form and/or information sheet for the project. Please attach information sheet and consent form to the back of this application form.
The focus group and other participants
4.4 How will you be protecting the research participants’ confidentiality?
The researcher is assured of confidentiality through proper use of coded information
4.5 (a) Are you going to utilise a database as an information source?
( )
Go to 4.5(b)
( )
Go to 4.6
(b) Have you established that the participants named on the database have given their permission for their details to be used for research purposes?
( )
Go to 4.5(c)
( )
Go to 4.5(d)
(c) How was this permission obtained?
(d) How will this permission be obtained?
4.6 (a) Identify any existing relationship or one likely to arise during the research, between the potential participants and any members of the research team or an organisation involved in the research.
(b) Describe what steps will be taken to ensure any relationships identified in 4.6(a) do not impact on the participants’ free and voluntary consent to participate in the research.
4.7 (a) Complete the following table indicating any ‘types of research participants’ who will be included in your research. Tick as many ‘types of research participants’ as required.
The participants who may be involved in this research are:
If you select column (i) or (ii) for any given group, column (iii) will not apply.
i) Primary intent of research
ii) Probable coincidental recruitment . . .
iii) Design specifically excludes
People whose primary language is other than English (LOTE) . .
Women who are pregnant and the human foetus . .
Children and/or young people (i.e.